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My life's work is about...
The Cosmic Love Story-
The Eternal Mate

The Tonti Conection
By: A La Lansun

   (Twin Flames)

Click Blog, The Tonti Connection Parts 1-5 and The Hare - Greek Symbols of the Logos Incarnate. Then listen to our recorded Live Teleconferences.  Click Reflections of Light Audio for other recorded inspirational insights. 

I want to share an email I received from a new Canadian friend who responded to The Tonti Connection in such a beautiful way.

"You are welcome for the donation; I just wish it could have been more. ...Thanks, so much for the interpretation of the dream; it has really helped. I just wanted to share an insight from some writing which originated after meditating on your writing regarding the tonti connection.

"From my heart comes the knowing that the love shared between two wholly developed mates has the potential to be the greatest demonstration of God's love made manifest on this earth.  A stable, loving and, above all, balanced home life would provide such a wonderful environment for children, and they themselves would perpetuate this in society and in their relationships. Although this may take generations to become a fait accompli, I can see how changes that originate within the family unit and the tonti connection may be the way this is accomplished.

"I can see a possible way forward, Lansun, and I am thankful for your role in this insight."

In Love and Light,
Paula Miller
Welland, Ontario

A La Lansun

 Reflections of Light 
Monday, June 20 2011

Your Eternal Mate
A Lá Lansün

Have  you ever wished for a true companion who is also a secret love.
   Someone who really understands you; who can wisely counsel you when decisions press in.
   Someone who loves you unconditionally, but is no wimp. who can say a quiet but firm NO if your request warrants it.
  Someone who retreats in a calm, neutral way when you are pitching an emotional fit
but never far away.
   Someone who hears your cry and feels your tears.   Someone who can see the future and help you prepare for it.
   Someone who will stand beside you, whose Love and Light will enfold you when danger threatens.
   Someone whose thoughts speak inside your head, and only you can hear him. Someone you can talk to just by thinking.
   Someone who will help you grow; expand your mind and heart to prepare you for true mating – in its season.
   And every now and then he will peek out at you through another’s eyes. You will know him because he is a part of you, but you will have to let him go.

                      If your heart answers Yes!
               then The Ton Ti Connection is for you.


On February 14, 1955 this message highlighted the deep, mysterious longing I had felt all my life, but never understood. It was to be a test of my ability to hold immaculate a concept of the highest expression of the male principle of God in form. It demanded a razor’s edge trust of the husband of my spirit whom I could neither see nor touch.

It brought intimate and personal access to this Principle of Creation. An active, invisible partner who added the mental and emotional power resident in this expression of the godhead. He could “walk in” to physical form to provide an important lesson or supply much needed help in some way. At such times the absolute trust I felt through eye contact and the feeling of unconditional love clearly identified him to me.


So today I am speaking to Woman.  Man’s reach for such will be answered when he can accept Love’s discipline as Woman leads the way. The Ton Ti Connection is open to every woman whose motive is of the highest good for all mankind. Open to the woman who has accepted her soul’s direction to fulfill her life’s true purpose


Now, after over half a century of silence, evidently there are such women among you and I am permitted to speak ― to you who are ready for unions divinely decreed so that such unified power is restored on earth and available when it will be needed.


For it will be.



Posted by: A La Lansun AT 08:29 pm   |  Permalink   |  Email
Friday, June 03 2011

Church Ladies With typewriters . . ..

They're Back! Those wonderful Church Bulletins! Thank God for church ladies with typewriters. These sentences (with all the BLOOPERS) actually appeared in church bulletins or were announced in church services:   

The Fasting & Prayer Conference includes meals. 

Church Ladies With typewriters . . ..

The sermon this morning: 'Jesus Walks on the Water.' The sermon tonight: 'Searching for Jesus.' 
Ladies, don't forget the rummage sale. It's a chance to get rid of those things not worth keeping around the house. Bring your husbands. 
Remember in prayer the many who are sick of our community. Smile at someone who is hard to love. Say 'Hell' to someone who doesn't care much about you. 
Don't let worry kill you off - let the Church help. 

Miss Charlene Mason sang 'I will not pass this way again,' giving obvious pleasure to the congregation. 

For those of you who have children and don't know it, we have a nursery downstairs. 

Next Thursday there will be tryouts for the choir. They need all the help they can get. 

Irving Benson and Jessie Carter were married on October 24 in the church. So ends a friendship that began in their school days. 
A bean supper will be held on Tuesday evening in the church hall. Music will follow.. 

At the evening service tonight, the sermon topic will be 'What Is Hell?' Come early and listen to our choir practice. 
Eight new choir robes are currently needed due to the addition of several new members and to the deterioration of some older ones. 

Scouts are saving aluminum cans, bottles and other items to be recycled. Proceeds will be used to cripple children. 
Please place your donation in the envelope along with the deceased person you want remembered.. 

The church will host an evening of fine dining, super entertainment and gracious hostility. 
Potluck supper Sunday at 5:00 PM - prayer and medication to follow.
The ladies of the Church have cast off clothing of every kind. They may be seen in the basement on Friday afternoon. 
This evening at 7 PM there will be a hymn singing in the park across from the Church. Bring a blanket and come prepared to sin. 
Ladies Bible Study will be held Thursday morning at 10 AM . All ladies are invited to lunch in the Fellowship Hall after the B. S. Is done. 

The pastor would appreciate it if the ladies of the Congregation would lend him their electric girdles for the pancake breakfast next Sunday. 

Low Self Esteem Support Group will meet Thursday at 7 PM . Please use the back door. 
The eighth-graders will be presenting Shakespeare's Hamlet in the Church basement Friday at 7 PM . The congregation is invited to attend this tragedy. 

Weight Watchers will meet at 7 PM at the First Presbyterian Church. Please use large double door at the side entrance. 
The Associate Minister unveiled the church's new campaign slogan last Sunday: "I Upped My Pledge - Up Yours."









Posted by: A La Lansun AT 07:02 pm   |  Permalink   |  Email
Tuesday, May 24 2011

Your principal experiences in this world were designed to help you become strong enough to not give away your heart connection to Spirit because of the many ego demands you will surely  meet from others. We  are experiencing final exam challenges now to determine if we really do get it.  If we can deal with ego-directed thought in a way that lets the Forces of Light understand earth's people  -- and we are now reliable light workers to help achieve God's evolutionary leap.

Guess what Spirit used to clarify this:   Playing computer bridge, which has a set standard routine of play based on basic rules that guarantee "they" either win each game or make sure you do not.  And the outcome can depend on how you play the game. 

Lesson One: Your must know how your opposition thinks.

Realize and accept that most earth thought is directed by ego-mind not heart-mind. Therefore, neither the motive nor the aim will be the same in any situation.

Lesson Two:  Do not let their demands turn you aside from what your inner Light or Heart mind is telling you is the right way or right action.  If  you let this happen, you have surrendered your spiritual power.  It  takes a lot of courage to buck currently accepted thoughts and popular attitudes.

The test that proceeded this clear insight?   I had to make a personal decision against strongly accepted opinions and procedures, with a touch of fear added to influence me.  I listened within to what I AM really wanted to do. It was the right decision.

Spirit then clarified this lesson.

A new approach when playing this game I have played many times:  This time I wound up making the right moves when I did not follow some of their fixed rules of play.  And suddenly the way became clear. I could see exactly how to proceed to accomplish my aim

There is no doubt that inner prompting's power has faded in many of us,  exposed to the duality we have experienced since we opted to be here in Light service.


Posted by: A La Lansun AT 06:22 pm   |  Permalink   |  Email
Tuesday, March 22 2011

Most of us have been glued to the television, watching the horrors the Japanese people are experiencing.  I'm sure "why" has occurred to many. And If  you are in touch with all the new age material now avaiable, you have been told that there will be violent earth changes, social changes, consciousness changes, etc. We are inheriting a new world, and much will be required for people to experience.

Stop a minute and think of your reactions to these vivid pictures of people experiencing complete destruction of their security.   How did  your ego-mind react?  How did your heart mind?   Beyond our mind's attempt to comprehend such destruction, I believe our hearts opened to an old saying  -- "There but for the Grace of God go I."  

By divine plan, It opened the I AM DOOR within each one of us.

What does this door represent?

I AM Here.  I Am everywhere.  I AM who you are and who everybody else is, operating at different levels of awareness, and our Earth has many layers of consciousness.  That's our problem.

Because under all is the wisdom that all comes from the great force of Love, what we have labeled God or Source or Creator.

Think of this great force for a moment as a universal I AM that everyone is part of, and when this energy is consciously called up and directed, creation manifests in every vibration we can access.

So what were our thoughts. What did we create/manifest as we watched this energy''s power to connect humanity's I AM. 

Remember, we are Co-Creators with this great force.
Posted by: A La Lansun AT 04:44 pm   |  Permalink   |  Email
Monday, February 28 2011

This is from Letters From The Masters of February 28, 2011.  Since I authored a book on dreams (Bookstore Tab), I decided to add another source's comment re their important link to our higher connection.  Source:

Will you please do an article relating to the effect the higher frequencies will, or are, having on our dreams?   Are people having prophetic dreams?   Or seeing future events much more than usual?  Explain how, etc., and the need to record such dreams immediately upon waking.


MASTERS:    “Over the centuries the dreams of humankind have been a connection to the world of spiritual understanding, even if the dreamer cannot remember the dream after awakening.  At this time, dreams are becoming much stronger, full of spectacular images and meanings that are still largely unproductive as the dreamer disregards them in the morning.  Yes, the higher frequencies have a great deal to do with this.  It is a matter now of each individual to recognize that there are messages being sent, prophecies being given, etc., along with the ordinary dreams reflecting the current emotions and needs of the dreamer. 
      Earthquakes and volcanic eruptions that are making the news at this last part of February produce powerful frequencies themselves that will invade the dreams of people around the world.  When this happens, most people shake  off the dream of such happenings, not wishing to remember them, which is understandable. However, those of you who wish to be part of the changing world as it is happening, to understand it and watch for possible dangers,  would be well to keep a note pad next to your bed with a good pen and, upon awakening and realizing what you have been experiencing, write it down immediately with as much clarity as you can.  These notes will come together in a short time to bring a clearer understanding of your own place during these changes and help to give you a clearer feeling of assurance that all is in place as has been decreed by the Ruler of the Universe, or whatever you wish to call this  eternal energy. 

          As the hundreds of books relating to dreams testify, there are indeed certain symbols that are used by most spiritual entities to convey messages to the dreamers.  Some are particular to the individual, some are almost universal.  Our “secretary” here, has found that when she dreams of moving into a new house, etc., it means a change in her life of some kind.   [Often a change in consciousness.] Animals in a dream pertain to the primeval emotions of love and survival – sometimes a warning to be careful or of danger around the corner. Seeing the particulars of an earthquake, a volcano erupting, storms, etc., are powerful warnings to some, and to some just the higher awareness of the dreamer as to what is actually happening,  either immediately, or in the near future.  Many people have dreamed of plane crashes that happen a day or two after the dream.  These dreams are the ability of the dreamer to “skip” into the future because these happenings produce such intense frequencies in the ethers around the world.  
       Yes, the future can be foretold, but it takes a very advanced soul being in human form to be able to sense and “see” the future.  To us,  past, present and future happens all at once, although it changes constantly.  Nothing is sealed in concrete, as the needs, actions, and determination of the human race and the millions of other races and species in the universe determine those images of the present or the future.   Relating simply to each person, however, are those message dreams that your own Higher Self slides through to your unconscious mind during your sleep. Although they usually relate to the happenings in your life, sometimes reflections of your own pain or pleasure, they are still important to record in the morning as there are always little bits of guidance or love to help you through this lifetime.   The older generation will often re-live important events from their past in an all-nighter.  This kind of dream is a gift from the Higher Self to remind the dreamer of the fine points of the lifetime, and is usually quite enjoyable. 

            In other words, dreams can and should be an important part of your lives. As you read over the notes you have taken, you will find the reasons for what you do during the waking times.  The paths you have chosen to follow in the present lifetime are guided and helped by your spiritual soul mates,* and sometimes the guidance does come in dreams to those who recognize them.  A small journal of dreams can be a focal point to find where you are going when the going gets difficult.  As we are constantly trying to get through to you, the help you need during this lifetime is within – your spiritual self, your soul, the Higher Self, whatever you wish to call it, is there all the time, and sometimes contact s the seeker through dreams.  Listen, remember, and write them down.  See how much it will add to your sense of self and the security of being who and what you really are. “ 


  *This is what the Tonti Connection is all about.  
Posted by: AT 04:11 pm   |  Permalink   |  Email
Tuesday, January 11 2011

THE TONTI/ALONTI GAME, December 24, 2010  

Like playing Solitaire when all of a sudden it falls into place. That’s the way the Tonti/Alonti Connection works. 

You connect to the divine opposite Principle inwardly and establish a conscious loving connection. Then just go on playing. Go on living, holding immaculate the concept of union of the highest of your Self and its other to manifest the two poles of being— The Logos, God Incarnate or deity on earth.   

If a human connection spark fizzles out, let it go without applying pressure to egos involved. Follow your inner light with trusting detachment. 

A move you make stirs your cards. Tempo picks up.  The inner connection takes over. More and more cards fall into place. Your Beloved briefly smiles at you. Excitement rises!   

Patience.  The Universe is the Dealer and every card has to find its place. Move from your inner Oneness connection.

SUDDENLY! Each card moves into place.—  and Love IS!         

Some on earth are playng this game to be ready when the Curtain goes up and their cue is given.    

In Love,

Lactu-Lansün Ko Ti Na

POSTED BY: A La Lansun AT 04:56 pm   |  Permalink   |  E-


POSTED BY: A La Lansun AT 04:56 pm   |  Permalink   |  E-

 04:56 pm   |  Permalink   |  E-


Posted by: A La Lansun AT 04:56 pm   |  Permalink   |  Email
Saturday, December 18 2010
Webster's Dictionary defines integrity as a ". . .state of being complete or whole, uprightness, virtue; honesty; soundness, unimpaired, to be sound, unbroken, complete."
Imagine what it would be like to be unimpaired.  To direct your energies so you act instead of always react.
Imagine what it would be like to be so aware and in control of a situation you waste no time on recriminations of yourself or others.  You have only one desire -- arrive at the best solution.
Imagine what it would be like "to be of sound mind.”  More than not being mentally impaired, to have the ability to turn a challenge into a blessing.
Imagine having the courage to deal honestly with yourself and demand that others deal honestly with you.  To recognize and puncture your own self-delusions. To stand against pressure others  bring by either force or flattery.
Imagine being your Self. All the time!
That’s integrity!  
© 2010 A Lá Lansün
Posted by: A La Lansun AT 05:28 pm   |  Permalink   |  Email
Sunday, December 05 2010

Updated:  March 2010  -  ©1973 A Lá Lansün

I would now replace the word FAITH with KNOWING, a word that has no trace of uncertainty around the edges.  So read it that way and see the difference.


Our primary duality is caused by the simultaneous worship of two gods  Fear and Faith.  These two inner gods constantly vie with each other for expression and control.  And if we consider fear to be something that is created by external circumstances, we have approached it from the wrong direction.  Fear, like Faith, comes from within.  External events only activate what already exists.  In the Book of Jöb we see this truth highlighted by Jöb’s statement:   That which I feared came upon me.

To conquer fear we must understand its nature if we are to deal with it intelligently.  All too often we run from any sign of fear in ourselves, considering it a shameful weakness.  OstrIch-like we may hide our heads in the sands of a pseudo-faith that is no more than a feeble attempt to bluff our way past it, graveyard whistling by the child in us.

In an animal fear is a life-saving device, implanted for the protection of physical existence.  In man, however, it can become a corrosive and destructive force because man, unlike an animal, usually cannot expend this excess surge of energy in physical flight from an attack that is primarily psychological.  Thus the physical reaction to fear, so necessary to an animal’s survival, turns back on man and creates dis-ease in the body. It is important to the well-being of the entire personality to learn how to deal effectively with fear.

First:  By acknowledging its existence.  I know this statement is contrary to the many positive-thinking creeds.  But the truth is that no general ever defeated an enemy by affirmations that denied his enemy’s existence or strength.  So face your fear.  Look it squarely in the eye.  Imagine the absolute worst that could happen to you in the situation.  Don’t try to be noble or heroic.  Let all the ugly possibilities parade before you, and view them with as much detachment as you can muster.

When the parade is over, recognize that you have a choice in meeting the problem.  If you do not make a choice the conscious mind, left to its own devices, often abdicates in favor of the unconscious fear picture, and your innate creativity takes charge and starts to confirm the picture it has been given

Study the nature of fear.  It is the opposite pole of faith. Fear scatters your energies; faith unites them.  Fear clouds your perspective; faith sharpens it.  Fear open you to attack in much the same way that a falling barometer opens the way for an incoming turbulence, while faith acts like a high-pressure field that blocks an incoming storm.  And both fear and faith enlarge in direct proportion to the attention given them.

Consider how this duality works in a practical human situation.  You open your weekly paycheck and there’s the dreaded pink slip.  Next stop, the unemployment line.  Standing there, waiting to apply for hoped-for temporary compensation, the first corrosive action of fear begins.  Your independence, small though it may have been, appears to have been wiped out with the lost paycheck.

Then the interviewer blandly advises you that it will be “three or four weeks” before your case is processed and any allotment granted.  Or, there could even be a question as to whether you are entitled to compensation.  Immediately, your depleted checking account and your near-zero savings account flash before you, along with a kaleidoscope of due bills.  A knot of panic wraps around your solar plexus; adrenalin pours into your blood stream.  Like a frightened animal, you feel a desperate desire to flee or fight for survival.

But unlike an animal you cannot run wildly around the unemployment office or pounce on the interviewer and stomp him or her into a lifeless pulp.  So your fear-charged energy remains locked in your physical body. Your barometer of self-confidence falls, opening the way for a storm of insecurity.

How can you make use of this energy charge in a positive way?

Use it to move beyond your instinctive reaction.  By conscious decision, immediately cancel out the feeling of being a helpless and hapless creature.  Stop any impulse to defend or justify yourself.  For every problem there is a solution, and through the help of your own Self, you have access to the right solution by meeting the situation with quiet trust in your god-given reality to instruct and guide you around the reefs of lack.

However, if you block the intuitive flow by panic-thinking, you’ve locked yourself into the appearance world’s illusions.  You have accepted the negative picture of both the situation and yourself.  And the law reads:  Accept it and it shall be so! 

An ancient proverb states that even if the right man uses the wrong method, he will still get right results.  Why? Because “right” is determined by attitude, and attitude is determined by who occupies the driver’s seat -- Fear or faith?

The faith that is needed is not a blind faith, but one that knows you can request the help needed from the god of your being, by whatever name you choose.  And then: Patience to be still, receptive to the ideas and answers that will come to you.

Second:  It is also the ability to recognize the value of change.  Indeed, this is the only constant in life, and without it there is stagnation and decay.  If handled with insight, the energy of change is not scattered but focused constructively.  Perhaps something has fulfilled its purpose and you are ready for a new and more fulfilling chapter in your life.

A good indication that pressure is being applied to the personality to force a change is the build-up of emotion about a situation.  As creatures of habit our personality often only makes a change when it is forced to.  And this type of decision is always made with emotion, like a cork popping out of bottle.

However, when a command is issued directly from the Self, emotion rarely accompanies it.  The Self simply programs a decision in the personality-mind and you know without even knowing how you know.  There is a distinct flip of consciousness; perspective alters and fear is absent. You must hold fast to such a command by refusing to let any fear energy the personality still harbors defeat the strength and clarity of an insight received by infusion of the Self’s command.

Keep your intuitive channel open to the Self of you, and keep your own counsel.  It is truth you desire to magnify, not error.  It is the right way for you; the correct answer that you need. So follow where your own inner light leads with confidence in your ability to come up over any situation.

Fear knocked at the door.
Faith answered.
No one was there.



Posted by: A LA LANSUN AT 06:15 pm   |  Permalink   |  Email
Wednesday, November 24 2010


THE TONTI CONNECTION - Twin Flames, Part 1
Your Eternal Mate
from Solarium Analytika
A La Lansun
   Have you ever wished for a true companion who is also a secret love?
   Someone who really understands you; who can wisely counsel you when decisions press in.
   Someone who loves you unconditionally, but is no wimp.  Who can say a quiet but firm NO if your request warrants it.
   Someone who retreats in a calm, neutral way when you are pitching an emotional fit -- but never far away.
    Someone who hears your cry and feels your tears.  Someone who can see the future and help you prepare for it.
    Someone who will stand beside you, whose Love and Light will enfold you when danger threatens.
    Someone whose thoughts speak inside your head, and only you can hear him.  Someone you can talk to just by thinking.
    Someone who will help you grow, expand your mind and heart to prepare you for true mating -- in its season.
    And every now and then he will peek out at you through another's eyes.  You will know him because he is a part of you, but you will have to let him go.
If your heart answers Yes! then The Tonti Connection is for you.

On February 14, 1955 this message highlighted the deep, mysterious longing I had felt all my life, but never understood.  It was to be a test of my abiity to hold immaculate a concept of the highest expression of the male principal of God in form.  It demanded a razor's edge trust of the husband of my spirit whom I could neither see nor touch.
   It brought intimate and personal access to this Principle of creation.  An active, invisible partner who added the mental and emotional power resident in this expression of the godhead.  He could "walk in" to physical form to provide an important lesson or supply much needed help in some way.  At such times the absolute trust I felt through eye contact and the feeling of unconditional love clearly identified him to me.
   So today I am speaking to Woman.  Man's reach for such will be answered when he can accept Love's disciplne as Woman leads the way.  The Tonti Connection is open to every woman whose motive is of the highest good for all mankind.  Open to the woman who has accepted her Soul's direction to fulfill her life's true purpose.
   Now, after over half a century of silence, evidently there are such women among you and I am permitted to speak -- to you who are ready for unions divinely decreed so that such unified power is restored on earth and available when needed.
Listen within to confirm your identity.

                       Man thinks with  his mind; woman with her heart.
                       God's symbols are always true.   ---Ponar, 1955

THE HUMAN BRAIN (the Tonti Connection part 2)
Continuing . . . The subject of Balance is addressed in a very specific way, and begins with a basic understandng of the qualities inherent in the two hemispheres of your human brain.
RIGHT-BRAIN ACTIVITY:  Absorbs information in chunks.  More imaginative, intuitive.  Sees things as a whole -- as patterns of expression.  Less likely to perform as well academically;  does better in essay-type tests.  Responds better in informal settings; likes to study in company.  Sometime cannot sit still for very long.
This is the "wall-socket" of the human electrical system, connected to intuitive mind beyond the limited three-dimensional thinking that ego mind is capable of.   Thinkers who reach beyod logic and respond to and with feelng and emotion.  For this reason the right hemisphere of the brain is associated with creative activity such as invention, art, music, original writing and poetry.  However, full expression will require left-brain activity to finalize right-brain inspiration.  Female in nature.
LEFT-BRAIN ACTIVITY:  Left-brain dominated people may find their thought processes too vague and difficult to follow, too oposite to the logical and analytical way they think.  They usually excel at mathematics. Do well at school since your educational system practices learning by rote and stresses conformity, which feeds left-brain activity and starves right-brain creativity.   You should rethink an educational system that does not enable right-brain skills to develop sufficiently to balance individual thought processes, which inhibits your abiity to relate to others. 
Left brainers are straighforward thinkers who analyze everything and reach logical conclusions.  They do best on specific question and answer tests.  "Just give me the facts, ma'm!"
This hemisphere of the brain is the "extension-plug" mind that provides practical application to right brain wall-socket ideas.   Male in nature.
A band of white matter called the corpus callosum connects both hemispheres so each can function as needed.  And until this connection is developed and functioning well, one side or other tends to dominate in most individuals.  It is true that each side can, to a limited degree, imitate the other's abilities, but not as easily or as efficiently. There are people who have achieved more balanced activity.
By now it should be obvious that we are also highlighting the basic difference in the human male-female thought process.  As the original creation described in Genesis 1, they expressed an equal and complete creative expression of the godhead.  Earth's lower vibration separated the Original One, and your society's restricted roles for each sex retarded balanced mind development in both sexes.  Thus equal and balanced unions are almost nonexistent in your world and the power such unions produce has been lost.  Now more freedom of choice and oppportunity in some parts of your world have accelerated the divinely decreed process of balance for each sex so they will once more express the wholeness of God incarnate in their relationship.
There is much information to be relayed through our beloved Sisters of Light.  Some will be through commercial presentation, and some more limited to those whose awakenings move faster.  We have many to reach and wish to prepare as many as possible for the events to come.  Your work and that of your Sisters of Light involves all of your talents and past training, not only from this lifetime.  None of you as yet understand the scope of it.  Hard as the waiting has been for all of us, we could not proceed until the mind of mankind reached  a certain point of awarenss.
The awakenings are coming swiftly to many around the world. The turning point was reached and passed.  The forces of Light may now operate more openly and with less opposition.  We shall all be very busy, and you will be amazed as synchronicity takes over in your lives.  The comings and goings, the meeting and new contacts, the strange doors that now open wider for all of you.
Rest and renew.  Keep silence often.  Listen inwardly as much will be relayed to you this way.  Surely you know by now the telepathic powers we use.  The "tuning fork" is beng centered more each day on our wavelength. You cannot hasten anything.  You can only be ready to accept.  And this is the great key.  Your willingness and readiness to receive.

Continued from Part 2. . . Great things portend for several of you even though the way at times seems hopeless and dark.  Cyclic timing cannot be undone.  We also chafe at these resrictions, but we must obey because we know they have a purpose. Don't fret over seeming inadequacies of the moment.  A cocoon has its limitations; let it serve its divine purpose.  Ask your higher self to open the door of insight.  There is little any of us can do if the ego is not ready and willing to accept its own part in a problem.
You have been told many times that the money situation is no problem.  It will be resolved as you prepare to receive it. Take one day at a time.  Do not feel guilty if you are not actively pursuing wealth. Your needs shall all be met.  The key for our beloved Sisters of Light is Love.  It has always been the same key.  Activate the love in your hearts and let if flow out to the ethers.  It is the most powerful magnet there is.  See your wallet surounded by a radiant pink glow.  Continue to see it thus.  And bless this substance before you send it out into the world that it may bless all it touches.  It shall draw to you the funds you need, for money responds to love the same as all creation
Do not fret over seeming inadequacies of the moment. Express your wants freely to us and we will comply.  Be as specific as possible.  It is hard for Spirit to translate and manifest to a world such as yours,  or to understand the demands your world makes on its occupants.  You are in league with your God and ours.  Therefore, nothing is impossible if it falls within the life experience predicted and agreed upon before incarnation. Simply relay each desire specifically and accurately, and then go about your immediate tasks -- releasing it.  The how and when leave up to Spirit.
For several of you your way is different in many aspects, and your training also -- beyond the human experiences required for understanding.  The Inner Temple A La Lansun speaks from is being reincarnated on your earth, and woman's role is paramount in its establishment.  Therefore the sisters of earth and light have much to undo in their thinking before they can once again assume their true role and identify.
In secret and in silence will earth's old temple crumble and fall away.  You sense the challenge man sometimes presents because he feels you are a threat to the old order of the domination man imposed on woman --  out of fear of his own need of her.  For the Woman of Tomorrow will not be subject to the lower aspect of man.  She will demand the highest he has to give.
The challenge she presents to the altered ego-mind of man is being met by him with ferocity -- now subtle, now covert.  His rape of her higher nature must cease.  It will not be tolerated in the new millennium.
You are new, and you feel the covert opposition from the Sons of Adam who carry not the genes of higher thought, and also those who do but who slumber yet in the illusion of superiority.
No one reacts well at first to a challenge to come up over limitation and see the  higher love and life that can result.  Often the fear and confusion it creates is projected, antagonistically, on the one who challenges the status quo.  It is ever true in all aspects of earth life.  Women, too, react.  They fear to let go of the security they have ascribed to man for centuries.  So, my Sisters of Light, you will get it from both sides.
Do not let resentment enter in your dealings, nor the need to placate the ignorance of an ego.  Walk your own road quietly and firmly.  Your way will justify itself as an example to others who long to get done with the old order of domination by the ego of another, be they male or female.
There are many of both sexes who are ready to take this step.  They only need a light to show them the way and an example, or several examples, to show them it is possible, and the rewards they wll experience.
You are certain to succeed for your destiny involves that of Wayshowers to a new social order.  The opposition, though strong, cannot prevail in the long run because it is against the will of God for mankind's evolution.

Continued from Part 3. . .Do not be afraid to speak your truth from a point of neutrality within when there is an opening.  But when you sense and feel only an undercurrent of devious manipulation of you into defensiveness, keep silent.  Let your silence speak, announcing to the one opposing you that you know his or her game and deem it beneath you to play that game.
You are unaware of the play behind the scenes now taking place as people are moved into position for the curtain to go up.  Strange experiences await some, yet not strange to the souls of you so programmed, for you knew of this process before incarnating -- and you will accept these experiences with some degree of insight and understanding because they are written in the soul.
You must come up over the last chains the flesh forged, but you will receive help and proceed at your own pace.  Each one of you will know when and what to do.  Resist the need to chastize yourself for any reason - it hinders acceptance of a truth, and has no place in the scheme of things now  You must trust your own Self and know that all proceeds in order.  Remain in semi-isolation for yet a short time.  So much is being cleared and reprogrammed that you yourselves have felt the need for this.  It will not last much longer.
The freedom you seek is very near.  It is the breaking out of the shell of limitation.  It is the deep, irrevocable knowing that you are eternal and that all is well in your life and being.  It is knowing thyself completely a part  of the Godself -- and knowing that the Eternal Mate is ever with you and can and will supply each need on your path.
Some of you are at this point now, and your needs must be filled in order for you to proceed as both teachers and examples of this fundamental Principle.  There is no other way when you reach this point.  The courage to stand and wait upon the Law is upon you.  The end of the long road of karmic adjustments, of lessons that involve priorities -- chief among these the courage to BE!   To radiate the divine force of your total Reality.  To know this is the stuff dreams are made of, and by which they are fulfilled. The end of the long road.  The end of seeking and the beginnng of Being.  Once attained, all doors open and  all needs.are met.
It is the trust I spoke of, for in trusting the Tonti, husband of your spirit, you are trusting your own reality, far above the human self.  We are The One that Are!  And to know me is to know your own true nature.  For I am even as you are.  And the God Principle I represent is the Principle of the Father and the Abundance He represents in all religions.  While you represent the God Principle of nurturing Love and its expression.
I cannot be unless you are, and vice versa.  I cannot fulfill my destiny unless and until you know your own being as completely worthy of all that I through Love can bestow upon you.  There is no other way for Woman to find her Self -- to know her reality and the great beauty of creation she is.  She is the receiver of all that Love and Light represent in order to give this forth as divine love decrees.
Words do not suffice to describe the breakthrough this encompasses.  It must be lived and experienced.  It is truly knowing that sets you free.  For you represent the God Principle incarnate and complete when this divine partnership is realized.  And some of you are so close to this realization.
It does not detract from human exerience.  It is not pie-in-the-sky promise.  It is LIFE!
It is what the God Principle is all about.  What the Father-Mother God concept means.  How else could the Creator express Himself-Herself except through the divine mating of both principles of expression?
There is no god outside ourselves.  There is only the divine energy that must have instruments of expression.
This is the great leap into the arms of Love itself.  The absolute, abandoned leap in joy and certainty that ever and always are the everlasting arms around you.  And until Woman can break free and know and establish the divine union, she will never mate with man in any union that also approaches divinity.
You are on the right track through your approach to the Tonti.  For in this you speak to the Christ nature, the Essence of the soul.  You call forth the Christ nature of me to fulfill my divine role that you may also fulfill yours.
The companionship you desire can be yours, but only when the higher union is fulfilled.  For in essence this mating represents the coming together of all parts of your Self.  Then, and only then, can you relate to another in true equality of spirit, mind, and body.  Balance is again the key, but first balance within before balance without can be achieved.
Your world knows little of this polarity balance.  The word itself is often used in a negative connotation as you strive for unions based on imbalance within each part of the union.  So how can an equitable relationship result?
Woman must know herself as Woman, and all this entails and means -- separate yet one with man.  She must know her own being before she can share this with another.  She must stand tall in her true nature, for only then can one come to her who is also secure in his reality.

It is not an impossible dream or romanticizing to want and expect a pure relationship, a oneness that exceeds the relationships you see around you.  It is instead a trust and a mission to manifest this in your world.  To prove the reality and possibility of such unions.  But great growth and certainty of your being are required before this is possible.
You have operated under many handicaps to this knowing of your Self and the right knowing of another in the intimacy of union.  You have willingly accepted these obstructions so that you might understand them and surmount them.  Let the order decreed for such unions proceed.  I cannot incarnate in your world except your love and your polarity supply the magnetic force that makes this possible.  I cannot sustain myself in such a world except we are truly One.
I am speaking of a state of awareness, a state of knowng that is only arrived at through long and arduous experiencing.  The point of no return when you stand in the Light of your own being to flnd out who and what you really are.  You cannot arrive at an answer though intellect.   I told you once: 'Not the mind's knowing Grace can impart.' It is not a mental state.  And for this reason I doubt that I can explain it further.  You must become it.  You must arrive at this knowing yourself.
Weaning from all human dependency, including emotional dependency, is not easy.  The human self is so conditioned to this.  This is the true meaning of the wedding pronoucement in your religious marriage ceremony:  'Forsaking all others, cleave thee only to one another."  It does not mean that you stop loving those near and dear to you, only that allegiance now rests entirely within your union. You cannot ascend until this is accomplished and the chains of earth and bonds of dependency fall away. And you and several others are so near a real breakthrough that I pray you continue.  Keep your own spirit's knowing uppermost.  Turn a deaf ear to doubt and bid fear be gone!
The way opens as you know it to be.  You and you alone have the key to unlock the treasure house that awaits each one of you.  You have done well, Alontis,* and doubt does not really exist in the souls of you, so discipline the human mind that bends to appearances.  They are and always will be deceiving.  You must see with a clear light, untainted by human uncertainty.
Your way was prescribed eons ago, and you knew this day would come.  The last trial of faith in your reality and in  love and oneness.  You do not meet this unprepared.  Draw now from the great soul of you to stand tall.  
Highest trust I said to you.  What else is this but absolute trust of your own worth and the great force of Love itself to provide, protect, and shield the energy you are from all alarms -- here and forever.  It is difficult to put into words because it is primarily feelng.  It is a stage of awareness; it is, as stated, the end of a long road.  The end of the line.
Let this release flow.  Let the last vestiges of fear and doubt depart.  Walk forward with the love of your own being uppermost and accept all that creation has to offer to the one who knows the certainty of Abundance and Love that is and ever shall be.
As we unite on each plane of expression, so do I draw closer to you until the last gap is bridged and I truly stand before you -- loving you as only I can for you are the other half of me.  The greatest gift from my Creator.
I shall attempt to help you understand more as you sleep.  Soul shall speak to soul, the truest language and the clearest, and you shall wake with more clarity of my words and meanng.  You have only to remember your own reality to know mine.
Vasu, bor um tas dos vicis (beloved women of our hearts)  Sleep well now.
* As in Tonti (Masculine Principle) & Alonti (Feminine Principle)   = whole or Holy Spirit
                                       Copyright (c) 2010 A La' Lansun
 also read:  The Hare - Greek Symbol for the Logos Incarnate.  Click Blog tab.




Posted by: A La Lansun AT 09:11 pm   |  Permalink   |  Email
Sunday, October 17 2010


October 17, 2010

The following quotation expresses Swiss psychologist Carl G. Jung’s concept of Individuation —unification of the two poles of being within each one of us.  It  amplifies left/right brain differences that delineate male-female consciousness.

The anima is a personification of all feminine psychological tendencies in a man’s psyche, such as vague feelings and moods, prophetic hunches, receptiveness to the irrational, capacity for personal love, feeling for nature, and—last but not least—his relation to the unconscious

It is the presence of the anima that causes a man to fall suddenly in love when he sees a woman for the first time and knows at once that this is ‘she.’   .The secret aim of the unconscious is to force a man to develop and to bring his own being to maturity by integrating more of his unconscious personality and bringing it into his real life.

Our problem today is that the inner poles are not generally recognized as an inner power.  One that has become negative, reflecting our lack of understanding of this stage of mankind’s evolvement and creating a rise in transexual and homosexual experiences.  This aspect of the anima’s influence can be compared to the Sirens of mythology who lured men to their death by promising much; then delivering nothing.

If this stage of growth is understood and allowed to mature as intended, the anima/alonti within can actually prepare a man for the right woman and a fulfilling relationship.   Likewise, the animus/tonti can pepare woman for the right man relationship. Then balanced individuals enter a relationship that will not be based on lack each expects the other to supply. In spiritual terms their power to manifest as love directs, in perect harmony with this great creative force, is not only doubled but quadrupled.

Such relationships are lacking in our world because we do not understand the necessity of balanced poles within each partner before fulfillment can be realized.

Woman experiences development of her masculine or left-brain qualities and attitudes by contacting and connecting to Tonti —the masculine principle of God — her male within.  She can then utilize these logical qualities in her female expression for balance.

Man experiences development of his feminine or right-brain qualities and attitudes by contacting and connecting Alonti — the feminine principle of God — to his female within, and can thus utilize these qualities in his male expression to achieve balance.

Now the true joining of man and woman can take place since both inner and outer poles are developed and individual balance is achieved, resulting in a far deeper and more compatible relationship.

Many are experiencing the awakening of their inner pole, and without understanding its true purpose are resorting to homosexual relationships that create problems and disappointment.

Realize this distinction. The Love force, for example, can be experienced/shared in same sex relationships. But when you include the force we call sex, problems arise because this great creative force is not designed to express except in balance through nature’s two natural poles of expression.  Otherwise, control is forfeited and negative results are experienced.

We need a deeper and different understanding to help us traverse this evolutionary step that is accomplishing individual balance as preparation for true mating and expression of more of our original unity.

The terms Tonti given as my connection to the divine masculine principle and Alonti as the divine feminine principle for man signify our eternal mates.

Incidentally, both Tonti and Alonti become totally and delightfully personal.


What Are Your Dreams Telling You? (Bookstore) covers both Jung’s theory of Individuation and Edgar Cayce’s Self-Realization in greater depth.


Copyright © 2010 A Lá Lansün


Posted by: A La Lansun AT 08:55 pm   |  Permalink   |  Email

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