Saturday, December 18 2010
Webster's Dictionary defines integrity as a ". . .state of being complete or whole, uprightness, virtue; honesty; soundness, unimpaired, to be sound, unbroken, complete."
Imagine what it would be like to be unimpaired. To direct your energies so you act instead of always react.
Imagine what it would be like to be so aware and in control of a situation you waste no time on recriminations of yourself or others. You have only one desire -- arrive at the best solution.
Imagine what it would be like "to be of sound mind.” More than not being mentally impaired, to have the ability to turn a challenge into a blessing.
Imagine having the courage to deal honestly with yourself and demand that others deal honestly with you. To recognize and puncture your own self-delusions. To stand against pressure others bring by either force or flattery.
Imagine being your Self. All the time!
That’s integrity!
© 2010 A Lá Lansün