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The Cosmic Love Story
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My life's work is about...
The Cosmic Love Story-
The Eternal Mate

The Tonti Conection
By: A La Lansun

   (Twin Flames)

Click Blog, The Tonti Connection Parts 1-5 and The Hare - Greek Symbols of the Logos Incarnate. Then listen to our recorded Live Teleconferences.  Click Reflections of Light Audio for other recorded inspirational insights. 

I want to share an email I received from a new Canadian friend who responded to The Tonti Connection in such a beautiful way.

"You are welcome for the donation; I just wish it could have been more. ...Thanks, so much for the interpretation of the dream; it has really helped. I just wanted to share an insight from some writing which originated after meditating on your writing regarding the tonti connection.

"From my heart comes the knowing that the love shared between two wholly developed mates has the potential to be the greatest demonstration of God's love made manifest on this earth.  A stable, loving and, above all, balanced home life would provide such a wonderful environment for children, and they themselves would perpetuate this in society and in their relationships. Although this may take generations to become a fait accompli, I can see how changes that originate within the family unit and the tonti connection may be the way this is accomplished.

"I can see a possible way forward, Lansun, and I am thankful for your role in this insight."

In Love and Light,
Paula Miller
Welland, Ontario

A La Lansun

 Reflections of Light 
Tuesday, April 20 2010

November 16, 1963
A La Lansun

  Yoga and many eastern philosophies speak of the Kundalini force housed in the base of the spine as the golden elixer of alchemy, the life force that circulates, once activated, up through the spinal column, illuminating the liquid therein.  It passes through the soul centers or chakras and finally reaches the Lotus Center chakra at the top of the head.  Here complete illumination takes place.
   And it seems that Enlightenment is not gained at the sacrifice of any part of us, which means our lower chakras and our higher chakras must all be opened.  No part of ourselves is to be ignored or labeled unfit. The Lion (emotional nature) and the Lamb (spiritual nature) must, as the Bible foretells, lie down together in perfect harmony.  But opening the lower chakras has its pitfalls. It arouses feelings and emotions the world labels as sexual. It increases awareness in your own body, and unless understood this could lead to a heap of trouble. It may appear our spiritual and physical natures are at war with each other. You come into conflict as your body seems to be more acute.
   If met with understanding this passes. it seems to be a necessary step to bring the lower chakras and Self into alignment, the awakening of both aspects of yourself that they may blend in true harmony of being.  The poet-philosopher Kahlil Gibran touches on this in his book The Prophet in his chapter on "Reason and Passion."  But passion is not as earth usually interprets it.  It is "feeling" nature and not confined to sexuality alone. Something of this greater meaning is expressed in the religious phrase "The Passion of Christ." 
   Earth man rarely can arouse this deep inner awareness in woman.  He isn't meant to for the simple reason that neither he nor woman would know how to handle it.  It would make an animal of man and a slave of woman.  But the Light and your own true polarity can do this and keep it under control as it brings you to fuller awarenss. This life force is then gradually directed up the spinal column, illuminating, clearing and connectng all centers.
   There are several ways this can be handled, always under the control of the Essence of your eternal mate: through its predetermined physical extension; through an interdimensonal experience with your Beloved in what we call a dream, or even interdimensionally consciously. This can also be accomplished through  the force undulating through the spinal column over extended time.  However it happens, it is not a fearful or ugly thing as some who do not understand may label it. It is a beautiful and fulfilling experience that has great and deep purpose.
    Principally, remember always to affirm that you are in the Light and nothing but good may enter any part of your being. That the Christ Self of you is in control, and your whole being must obey this Self.  This is your protection to ensure gradual awakening and your ability to handle it.
   But this is far from the picnic unknowers may believe it to be. For one thing having come beyond obsessive need for human sexuality, you desire a union that is of the soul, far above what you experience in physical union.  You remember, deep inside, that when souls are involved the wonder experienced by both parties far surpasses any sensation the physical alone can give, for it is impossible to express through flesh alone what Love can express through its human instruments.  And until it is exerienced, even briefly, you do not comprehend the "so much more" that is possible.
   Soul must embrace soul for a total union, and this is the missing ingredient in your world. You can have mental and physical union, but the missing ingredient makes the great difference.  We are working with some who do not even know that total oneness is possible.  So you will experience oneness on all levels of awareness, mind, body, and spirit, and then finally blend all three.
   Some in the Light are working on one principal aspect. Those deeply concerned wth pure "spiritual" unfoldment are rounding out this lagging part of their trinity.  Some are working primarily on the mental, knowedge-expansion level. and some are working almost entirely on the physicai level -- rigid diets, overcoming this, overcoming that.  You can concentrate on one rung of evolution's ladder for most of one lifetime and then move on from rung to rung in other lifetimes. To each his or her own requirement and pace.
    So do not let the paths of others deter you from following your soul's guidance.
Those compressing all three aspects of themselves in this lifetime are ready to prepare for reunion as the Logos Incarnate, and this is why, after fifty-five years of silence, I can now speak of The Tonti Connection because there are those ready to hear.
  Listen within.
  The young lion of the biblical phrase is our emotional nature.  It is the youngest aspect of ourselves. First our spiritual nature, then our mental nature, and finally our emotional nature were created. This is still the order of manifestation. Creation begins on the spiritual level, descends through the mental level, and finally reaches the physical level. So our emotional nature is actually our primitive nature. Emotion drives us, but Feeling moves us. Emotion makes us slaves; feeling lights the Christ within. They are not the same. Emotions reverse cause then effect because we react first and then act. But when we operate from our feeling nature, the perceptive, intuitive heart of ourselves, we are in a high citadel, about which the storm of outside pressure can rage but never truly penetrate. Your wise Emerson says: "Place yourself in that stream of power and wisdom wherein you are impelled without effort to truth, right action and content."
   The lower chakra is the seat of physical empathy.  Sensitivity begins in the groin but later extends all the way down the legs to the feet.  When this is activated, you literally feel the physical pain of others in your own body.  When you view another's wound, your own body reacts. This is hard to experience in a world so full of much pain. The solar plexus chakra is the seat of emotional empathy, and the heart chakra responds to deep feeling pain that penetrates to the soul. As these chakras are opened and cleared, your own body aligns with these chakras in others.
   But -- and this is an important point and why this information is among 'the most carefully guarded secrets of the inner temples.' --misunderstood, misused, or exploited it can lead to depravity, insanity, and many human mistakes.  For you have released unlimited creative power. Therefore, only a soul who has truly developed the higher self is considered ready to awaken the Lion and thus make him lie alongside the Lamb of himself. Otherwise the lion would and could destroy the lamb. And awakening this chakra is only done by a Master, your own eternal mate, who carefully supervises the entire process. Even Subud, which has touched on this great truth, knows enough to work only with their own earth mate in this aspect of awakening.
   The force begins activity by a warm, undulatng sensation in the lower back and genital area. It is not unpleasant at all.  Feels much like the warm comfort of a heating pad during menstrual cramps. You may experience some pain in the lower back at times.  You may also feel sensations in the vagina. You are used to pressure in other areas of your body and head.  This is no different.  It simply means the Light has begun to work on the lower chakras.  It may increase physical tension, much as sexual frustration can do.  Accept it for what it is. It is neither wrong nor unholy.  It is a phase that will lead to greater awareness, well-being, and even youthfulness, for it can contribute much to your total being.
   A word of caution, if this force begins, keep this strictly to yourself. There is no need to open yourself and your Beloved to the ignorance of many. This is the most powerful of chakras. Ever wonder why this area is called sacrum?  Accept the great responsibility it brings. Check it out with your own Tonti Connection. He can take you through it with beauty and grace. Many, even some fine souls in the Light, will not experience this greater awareness  or opening of all centers, hence your necessary caution.  As long as you know  there is only one power and one presence at work in your life and affairs you will ride through it triumphantly and thoroughly enjoy the greater vibrance and energy it will bring during the process --  and the ultimate result.
   Seek to lie close to the diamond heart of you both  As you have been told many times, Love is the greatest creative force existing. And you are creating even though your human mind may not be able to comprehend it all. Immaculate Conception is a reality.  Just as two human bodies, male and female, must unite to bring forth new life so must the spiritual bodies or Principles, male and female, unite to bring forth the Christ image wthin each one --- in form --- if this is your contract with divine energy it will come to pass however you can accept without fear and in love in exactly the right way and right time.
   Consider your biblical Adam/Eve story in the light 
of this great force being considered as a serrpent in many other cultures, both past and present. 
   Adonai Vasu, dear ones. 
                                      Copyright (c) 2010 A La Lansun


Posted by: Lansun AT 03:51 pm   |  Permalink   |  Email
Tuesday, April 20 2010

   KlaLa's dark eyes, lustrous in the soft light. mesmerized me by the inner force of her being. Her voice, soft but firm, repeated her statement.
   "Woman must regain her own inner power if the world of mankind is to survive. There is no alternative. The imbalance between the poles of created life, human life, can no longer exist. The race of man on earth will not continue as long as one polarity dominates, degrades, and abuses another. It is against divine law; it is repugnant to any truly civilized race."
   I stared at her, fascinated by the grace of her movements, the quiet authority emanating from her. Without effort, she commanded attention and instinctive respect.
   At the same time I was painfully aware of the contrast between us. My shapeless muumuu covered a body that reflected the stress of time devoted to the welfare of others. I felt shame; the shame of my spirit that had resigned itself to being shunted off on a siding of life. Like the ancient passive acceptance of an old Eskimo woman who took her place on an ice floe to drift outward to a lonely, ignoble death.
   She interrupted my thoughts, having read the images in my mind clearly. "In much of your world there is little difference in the attitude toward women today, for all the much touted liberation.  Men also experience the rejecton of society unless they have acquired the coin of the realm and the power it can supply in your world.
   "But for those who honor the message of the heart before the lure of acquisition, there is not even grudging respect. You are consigned to society's own brand of ice floe to drift silently, ignored and forgotten, toward a nameless death.
   "Yet there are few in your world who could walk the road you and many of your sisters have walked. Without support, either financial or emotional, you still  held to the integrity  of the heart's wisdom."
   Her lovely dark lashes lay against pale golden perfect skin as she glanced at something on the crystal table before her. Again those brilliant, commanding eyes met mine.
   "And this is why this story must be told.  Its time has come. It will be told first as fiction, for as one of your eminent journalists of the past once said: 'Truth can only be told as fiction.'  It can only be introduced behind the protective mask that fiction provides.
   "For those who are ready  -- it becomes fact. They identify with and rcognize the truth behind the mask. They receive the message clearly. For those who are not ready, it presents only a harmless story, a moment's entertainment. And if it challenges their proud intellects and prejudices, it is easily dismissed as pure fantasy.
   "Still, my Sister, the message will have gone forth into the ethers of the collective mind. The seed will have been sown. And one day it will blossom, even in the consciousness of those who at first ridicule its message."
   I asked: "But who will tell such a story? One that you say will challenge the opinions and beliefs of mankind. It would have to be someone who has already received public acceptance, whose work is already known, wouldn't it?"
   "No, my Sister. The tale will be spun from an ordinary life that is not so ordinary after all. You, my Sister, will tell our story. The story of Woman -- of her great and noble place and purpose in the Creator's plan."
   I stared at her, momentarily struck dumb by the import of her words.  "But," I stammered, "my life has been so ordinary, at least outwardly. Even my writing has always been more for my own pleasure and growth. So who would pay attention to any story I wrote, especially one such as you describe?"
   He smile was warm and very gentle; it softened the strength of her face. Feminine, very feminine, but one sensed the controlled power that lay behind the beauty of face and form.
   "That, my Sister, is where the Tonti comes in." 
   She saw my startled expression. "Yes, you know this word well, but do you know its actual meaning?"
   I shook my head. "No, not actually."
   "He is all things to Woman -- Counselor, Friend, Protector, Provider -- the Husband of her Spirit.  Our Beloved. He is, in short, the fifth and final face of her god." She settled back in her comfortable chair.
   "Man, you know, created his own god. First as Father, created in man's image, not the other way around. So the Father of your world's religions became a commanding, authoritative figure, subject to fits of wrath and capable of punishing his disobedient children. A vengeful, judgmental god who declared 'an eye for an eye!.'"
   I nodded, remembering the God of Moses with his innumerable laws and his unmerciful judgments.
   KlaLa smiled in agreememt. "But man does not remain a helpless child.  Evolution exists in the unfoldment of consciousness, even as physical evolution ocurred in your world to refine a vehicle to house the Essence."
   She rose and walked gracefully to a huge window, curved to conform to the ship. Outside, the blackness of space emphasized the lustrous whitenss of her gown, girdled with gold around her waist. The material, softer than silk, seemed to move with her, outlining the slender lines of her body.
   I was silent, overwhelmed by my surroundings. The uncluttered atmosphere of the room did not give the feeling of sparseness.  Instead, the effect was one of elegance reduced to perfect functional comfort.
   She turned, smiling at my wide-eyed observation. "We follow one of your poet soul's advice:  'Simplify, simplify, simplify.' Yet, as you have already observed, we do not sacrifice comfort in any way."
   She seated herself again across from me at the crystal table. Her slender, expressive hands rested on top of a crystal tablet in front of her.
   "And now I would address you in a word from our language. . .Sulari. It means Sister of Light, and is not used lightly. It is a key to your awakening, to your memory, and it is right at this time that you should be so addressed."
  I repeated the word as she had pronounced it.  "Soo-la-ree." The sound was sibilant and pleasing. It struck a spark within.
   KlaLa was watching my reaction intently, and seemed pleased at what she sensed; that the word had indeed touched a part of me, but she gave no further explanation.
   She continiued:  "The second face man created for his god added the softness, to a limited degree, of woman. Ancient religions addressed the truth in that there were gods and goddesses.  Later, religions made woman a secondary figure, extolling primarily her biological function.  But women instinctively sensed her true importance, and their prayers were often addressed to her rather than the patriarchial figure identified in most of earth's religions."
   I murmured, "Mary.  The mother of Jesus."
   Again she nodded.  "And through her, another, a third face of man's god, a Savior, came to man's mind. Someone to absolve man of his own ignorance and error. But the image and message of this Great One sent to your world was warped and twisted, again to man's expediency. Ceremony and myth were woven together to produce a concept of forgiveness by the mere act of acknowledging His presence on your world.
   "Gone was the lesson He came to teach, to demonstrate. That the duality of mankind, expressed in his own life as Son of Man and Son of God, need not be a permanent state. That Oneness with the Creator of All could be achieved if man would surrender his ego, which carries the genetic aggressiveness and territorial instincts of the body, to the greater image placed within by the Creator.
   "Instead, this One was deified into a glorified excuse for man to continue his own ignorance and his warlike tendencies, even in the name of the One, because all would be forgiven would it not? No great effort was demanded to emulate this One because he was accorded the distinction of being unique. Therefore, it was considered impossible to achieve his exalted state of consciousness. And thus mankind was robbed of the Call to unfold its own innate Christhood. Yet by the words attributed to this One in your religious writings, he denied his uniqueness. 'Ye are gods. That which I do, ye may do also, and greater.'" Her dark eyes met mine squarely.  "Is this not so?"
   I bowed my head, feeling the weight of the world's ignorance touch me. "Yes, perhaps we are still children who need someone to rescue us from our own ignorance.  And another to blame as the cause in the first place."
   KlaLa smiled tenderly. There was no judgment in those beautiful eyes. "Yes, mankind has covered its own actions, its own thoughts, very conveniently. It is true of all of earth's religions. Man has refused responsiblity for his own creative power by delegating responsibiity for both good and evil outside himself.
   "It was only late in your last century that another face of your god could be introduced. The judgmentalism of the Father, the gentle but passive influence of the Mother, and the immaturity and fear that require a Savior have all prepared the way of a wider view for some -- to that of Elder Brother, One who walks beside man, who provides the loving guidance and protection that an older, wiser, and caring brother would provide for a much younger sibling."
   I looked at her expectantly.  "I can see our progression up to four.  Do we move beyond Elder Brother in our understanding?
   "Yes, for woman, to the Tonti. It is a word revered in our language.  It has great meaning, but it is difficult to translate to your language.  I will try." She hesitated. "It implies highest trust, deepest love, and a personal relationship that exceeds any so far assigned to any other face of your god. He is primarily Woman's avatar
   She was silent for a moment, then added:  "Man has a similar companion, but we will deal with that later."
   I was curious, eager to understand. To know more of the true meaning of this long familiar word. "Is this what we call a guardian angel?"
   She smiled, clearly enjoying my curiosity. "In some respects, yes. But it is more, much more, as you my Sulari have already discovered."

Continuing. . .


(Preview of a fiction-fact book?  Final form undecided}

                                      Copyright (c) 2010 by A La Lansun


Posted by: Lansun AT 03:50 pm   |  Permalink   |  Email
Monday, April 19 2010

Now I lay me down to sleep,
     I pray the Lord my soul to keep.
  When at dawn I greet the day
     Teach me Lord to walk Thy way.

    God bless Mommie, Daddy, too,
       Not just now, but all life through.
    God bless little creatures small.
  Feed and shelter. one and all.

God bless everyone we love
Here on earth and up above
          Little children, where'ere they be.
          God bless them, and God bless me.

   Help me to be kind and true.
      Gentle, loving --- just like You.
Let me always thankful be
     For all the blessings given me.


        For Linda from Mom:  December 20, 1957

Posted by: Lansun AT 03:53 pm   |  Permalink   |  Email
Sunday, April 18 2010

As far back as May 1, 1985 the problem began to focus when Dennis Wholey, host of a Latenight America telecast (WTVS, Detroit, Michigan)  interviewed Ms. Pat Collins, Arts and Entertainment Editor then for CBS Morning News. The subject was violence and sex, and the connection between media programming that featured physical abuse of women in sexual scenes and the steadily increasing violence toward women.
    Examples used at the time included the results of an experiment performed at the University of Wisconsin in which college-age men were exposed to a stready diet of films and videos where women were raped and/or murdered in graphically violent ways. At the conclusion of the prescribed exposure period, a mock rape trial was held, with these same men acting as the jury.
   Without exception, every one of them sided with the rapist and against the victim. In addition, during the question and answer period that folowed, the same young men flatly stated that if they had the opportunity they, too, would rape.
   The men were then put through a debriefing, during which time they did not view any "slasher" films. After the debriefing period, the same mock rape trial was conducted, with exactly the same evidence presented. This time they sided with the victim and against the rapist. In other words, when the stimulus of this type of material was removed, their attitude and their decision were completely reversed.
   Nor is the negative attitude toward women confined to single men in the college age group. Psychiatrists report that an alarming number of their women patients tell them that after their husbands watch films in which there is bondage, whipping, or other forms of destructive behavior aimed at women, the men want their wives to reenact such scenes with them.  At first the wives accede to their huband's requests for the sake of the marriage, but as the scenes become more intense and physically abusive, they are forced to refuse. By the time these women finally seek professional help, the marriages are totally shot and the women have sustained considerable emotional damage.
   By connecting sex and violence the way such material does the message is also conveyed that sex and violence go together, are interchangeable. For example, when sexually explicit films were shown during the research period, the men became sexually aroused only when violence toward women was introduced.
   What did this research tell us way back then?  It should have rung a loud alarm, and based on today's statistics It must sound an even louder alarm today. Have women been conditioned to accept, even expect, such treatment by centuries of nonrestance and devaluation of our worth?  That we still feel obliged to tolerate a relationship with someone who uses us or violates us, emotionally and/or physically? Are we still so ignorant of our own nature and self-worth that we can be shoved in the wrong direction?
   So much is spouted today, even out of the mouths of twelve- and thirteen-year olds, about great sex.  But who is talkkng about great love?  These two facets of human experience seem to have been surgically separated.  It is hard to listen to the wistfulness in the voices of many young women who use the past tense when they speak of a belief in a great love relationship. 
   Well, maybe our minds can buy this, but our hearts cannot.  It's time to remember a basic law --people create and sustain what they give their attention to; what they support, actively or passively. So when the physical side of human nature is constantly reinforced and projected, we should not be surprised if a relationship never develops empathy or intimacy in other areas.
   The frightening thing is that research statistics since the 1980s reinforce the problem of increasing violence toward women.  When colleges have to actively deal with date rape and high-school couples include physical abuse as a "normal" part of their relationships, it is time to draw the line. We may have already lost one generation.
    What guidelines does a fourteen year old have to steer though such emotional waters? It might help her to remember our biological difference. For the male of any species sexual intercourse involves projection and release.  For the female it involves opening and receiving
   That difference can tell her a lot.

Copyright (c) 2010 Anne Forrest Elmore

Posted by: Lansun AT 03:54 pm   |  Permalink   |  Email
Thursday, March 25 2010

Sacred Sexuality


The Power of True Love


What is referred to as sexual energy is really not sexual at all – It is the creative force and potential that underlies all existence.

Our souls were birthed out of the cosmic womb or void where union, cohesion and oneness was all that was experienced – duality had not yet been birthed.  In this state there was no “Self” and “Other”.  The Source of all that is wished to create experience and reflect back to itself existence, thus the original division of energies occurred creating masculine and feminine polarities or yin and yang, yet each polarity contained within it a portion of the opposite energy.


It is difficult for most of us to conceive of the words sacred and sexual in the same context. The truth about Creation, sexuality and awakening has been distorted and cloaked in secrecy for thousands of years. There is a full spectrum of expression available to us, from a lower chakra experience akin to friction to ecstasy, soul fusion, transcendence and unifying your physical and multidimensional aspects.


The main ingredients precluding most of us from having this type of experience are a blocked energy field, a closed heart, the inherited distorted patterns of our ancestors, a disconnect from our original innocence, and connecting with others whose energies reflect the energy of our personality and not our soul's energy. 


What we are really looking for in another is our self – Self meaning our essential nature – the essence or specific vibratory signature of our soul – when we do come into contact with a matching soul frequency what is reflected back to us in our joining is the love we are made of. In the beginning our souls were birthed in innocence and purity – and we experienced all facets of life with wide-eyed wonder, magic, joy and appreciation.


The urge to merge or reunite with that which created us, is woven into the very fabric of our being.  The original impulse for union was borne out of desire of the lover and beloved to be at One with one another after their original split.   The magnetic pull or impulse for union as an expression of your adoration and deep abiding love when truly with a soul essence partner your joining is on every level; heart, body, mind and soul – your fusion recreates creation itself and blends the male and female energy into a single consciousness. There is no thought involved – it is the natural and spontaneous progression for your soul during it evolutionary journey.


The way to open to this type of experience depends on your capacity to cultivate Joy, wonder and appreciation for all life.  When you truly view your self and your life as sacred, you can reach profound states of awareness by gazing into your lover’s eyes -  and have eternity looking back at you. True intimacy requires us to Love, honor, cherish, trust, respect, and the ability to truly surrender to one another.  There is no drama, no manipulating or reenacting childhood wounds.  You love for the sake of loving because you are so full of love; you just have to let it out.


In some ways an attempt to encapsulate an experience of this nature diminishes it.  There is no greater power in this world than the power generated by true love and soul union. There is no greater gift than to be with one who truly knows and reflects your essence back to you. For in its highest form, desire for union with another is really  the desire to experience their essence. Inherent within this union is the ability to collapse duality, unify the masculine and feminine energies within and restore balance to the planet.


These are not esoteric concepts to me.  I have had the gift of experiencing this type of union with multiple soul partners from my original soul family.  This path is not for the faint of heart as along with profound states of union may come all of the unconscious patterns preventing one from experiencing union as the natural state of being.  It is worth giving all you have for once you have experienced this type of union; traditional types of partnering based on personality may repel you.  Ultimately, all your searching will lead you back to yourself.  The self that knows Joy is our natural state and Love is our true nature.



Copyright (c) 2010  Solarium  Analytika

This sums up what the Tonti-Alonti Connection is all about.  My heartfelt thanks to 
Ansara for sharing this with us.  A La Lansun



Posted by: A La Lansun AT 03:39 pm   |  Permalink   |  Email
Tuesday, February 16 2010


I have been virgin, wife and lover.

I have been a single parent with all the responsibilities this entails; self-supporting, menopausal, beloved and forgotten.

I have known love that transcends words.

I have felt the beckoning finger of self-destruction and the feeling of despair and inadequacy that is his Messenger.

I have laughed until I cried and cried until I laughed at my own foibles and self-delusions.

I have felt the earth groaning under the weight of humanity's spilled tears and blood; felt her agony induced by nuclear rending of her inner self.

I have wept over the pitiful carcass of someone's loved cat or dog rotting by the highway, and cursed the speed and indifference that put it there

I have known gut-knotting panic when my livelihood and that of my child were at stake.  When an antiquated and unjust economic juggernaut threatened to grind the soul out of me.

I have nurtured the young; understood the sprouting independent rebellion of the teens, and both loved and resented the old.

I have kicked off my shoes and dived in the pool of sexual freedom made so enticing today -- then alone in the night regained my center and realized the emptiness of the promise.

I have longed to fly and been forced to crawl.  Ached to express my inner being and been locked into roles by the needs of others.

I have been emotionaly numb from too much pressure -- and longed for such numbness from too much pain.

I have watched the flame in me flicker low from want of another's caring; felt it blaze into noonday brilliance in a tender moment of true meeting of hearts.

I have learned logic and reason and lost my heart's wisdom.  I have sought answers from experts and found empty cliche's.

I have burned bras to defy my biological prison.  Yet felt the deep contentment that only I can know when tiny hands move on my breast and an eager little mouth seeks life-giving nourishment from me.

I have resented man's illusion of superiority that creates acts of domination; yet felt ageless when I filled his deeper need of me.

I have packed away so many dreams and private hopes; thrown away others.  I have let some of my jewels slip through my fingers because I forgot who and what I Am.  And then painfully walked the inner path back to my center and met my own godhood.


Copyright (c) 2007 A La Lansun
 Posted from Reflections of Light:


Posted by: A La Lansun AT 05:05 pm   |  Permalink   |  Email
Thursday, February 04 2010

Your Eternal Mate

Solarium Analytika
A La Lansun

   Have you ever wished for a true companion who is also a secret love?
   Someone who really understands you; who can wisely counsel you when decisions press in.
   Someone who loves you unconditionally, but is no wimp.  Who can say a quiet but firm NO if your request warrants it.
   Someone who retreats in a calm, neutral way when you are pitching an emotional fit -- but never far away.
    Someone who hears your cry and feels your tears.  Someone who can see the future and help you prepare for it.
    Someone who will stand beside you, whose Love and Light will enfold you when danger threatens.
    Someone whose thoughts speak inside your head, and only you can hear him.  Someone you can talk to just by thinking.
    Someone who will help you grow, expand your mind and heart to prepare you for true mating -- in its season.
    And every now and then he will peek out at you through another's eyes.  You will know him because he is a part of you, but you will have to let him go.

If your heart answers Yes!
then The Tonti Connection is for you.

On February 14, 1955 this message highlighted the deep, mysterious longing I had felt all my life, but never understood.  It was to be a test of my abiity to hold immaculate a concept of the highest expression of the male principle of God in form.  It demanded a razor's edge trust of the husband of my spirit whom I could neither see nor touch.

It brought intimate and personal access to this Principle of creation.  An active, invisible partner who added the mental and emotional power resident in this expression of the godhead.  He could "walk in" to physical form to provide an important lesson or supply much needed help in some way.  At such times the absolute trust I felt through eye contact and the feeling of unconditional love clearly identified him to me.

So today I am speaking to Woman.  Man's reach for such will be answered when he can accept Love's discipline as Woman leads the way.  The Tonti Connection is open to every woman whose motive is of the highest good for all mankind.  Open to the woman who has accepted her Soul's direction to fulfill her life's true purpose.

Now, after over half a century of silence, evidently there are such women among you and I am permitted to speak -- to you who are ready for unions divinely decreed so that such unified power is restored on earth and available when needed.

Listen within to confirm your identity.

Continued . . .

For The Tonti Connection Parts Two through Five click Blog. Also read The Hare: Greek Symbol of the Logos Incarnate
Listen to audios of the Live teleconferences of March 24th, May 7th, June 4th, 2010
  (Reflections of Light page).      

Copyright (c) 2010 A La' Lansun

For those whose interest would like to see this seris of teleclasses continue, your request via Contact Us will be noted toward re-establishing such.

Solarium  Analytika

Posted by: Solarium Analytika AT 12:23 pm   |  Permalink   |  Email
Tuesday, December 08 2009

To hear Lansun's recording of this message,
Reflectons of Light tab: The True Meaning of Christmas

From Angelic Realms

 We greet you in the love and light
or our living Christ Spirit

With your permission we would like to tell you a story.  It is a story of the Christmas Spirit you love to celebrate.  It is the story of the rebirth of man -- back to the kingdom of God from whence he came.   And when we say "man," we mean the masculine and feminine principles.  For mankind could not be comprised if it were not for both principles acting in their full capabiity.  It is our hope that men and women everywhere will be conjoined on all levels  -- physical, mental, and spiritual.

The beautiful season of Christmas is about the birth of the Christ Principle.  It seems peculiar to us that mankind has stopped on the level of thinking that he is only celebrating the birth of a "baby" Jesus.  If only mankind would understand that the true meaning of Christmas was always meant to be symbolic of the birth of the Christ Spirit within each child of God. 

It is hard for us to understand how mankind can justify excluding this very poignant message He came forth on your planet to give.  Yet there are those who would consider it blasphemy if you told them they possess within them the same capacity for manifesting miracles.

Your Bible, even in its redundancy, contains much truth.  It is stated many times that we are all Children of God; that we are all God's issue.  We were created in the image of God.  Jesus the Christ also stated many times that the miracles he was capable of performning were also available to anyone who is able to tune into the God vibrational energy of Unconditional Love. 

Our Elder Brother, as we often refer to Him, is the essence of everything godlike, and in great humility He realized that to serve in the return of mankind to the realm of God is indeed a blessing.  And when one begins to serve, it is because in humlity you acknowledge that all have contributed to the sad state of human affairs.  That we are not blameless for the world condition. That our thoughts and our energies have directly contributed to the poor state of the human condition on earth.

We, the angels of the Alaric* Foundation, experience joy that is beyond your comprehension at this time in your lives.  Some of you have tapped into this unconditional love state and felt this periodically, but because of the world in whch you live you have not been able to sustain it.  We who can sustain this great joy want every Essence within the universe to experience this -- their birthright.  To claim what is theirs genetically. The DNA contained within the individuals of earth is evolving.  It is being realigned to its original state.  And when this is accomplished in its entirety,  all will be restored to their original place in God's kingdom.

There will be many Avatars coming to your earth in the future -- in the near future. The peoples of earth must be reminded of their birthright.  They must know that godhood is available to them if they tap back into the Source from which they dis-connected.  They must know that Father-Mother God created them in unconditional love.

When you step into the State of Grace, when you accept your birthright and live a life of loving, it is as if you are reborn.  You will remember who you are and from where you came.  You will remember why you are here on this planet -- and what you came to do.  And the Love you will generate will perform miracles for you because your thoughts will be anchored in the Christ Spirit, and that will allow miracles to happen.

Celebrate the Christ Spirit.  Communicate with others from your Christ Spirit to their Christ Spirit.  Let them know who they are, and all they are capable of.  Transmit Love in great quantity.  Much healing is needed, and the Love-Light vibrational energy will do this for all of you.

Adonai Vasu, Beloved Children of God.

*pronounced Alareece

(C) 2006 by Solarium Analytika



Posted by: A La Lansun AT 01:45 pm   |  Permalink   |  Email
Sunday, August 23 2009

Solar Cross* 

Excerpt from March 31, 1960 Reception

(Twin Flames Reunited in Divine Service)

Some of the highly evolved souls who have returned to your world to assist in its raising to a higher state of consciousness are androgynous.  That is they have evolved to such a state that the male-female aspects of the original soul have been returned to the union which began. 

It is this very high state of development that enables them to serve in their present capacity — one aspect of the soul, either male or female, in flesh while the remaining aspect serves its flesh counterpart from the realm of spirit. This explains in part the great loneliness and longing that both aspects feel when they are so severed.

For the sake of the dimension in which the flesh aspect has incarnated, both will again be present — but one as male the other as female, for so it must be in your world. And a sense of completeness will once again be experienced when together, for in truth they are literally One.

As in all Creation, the attraction of positive and negative polarities exists [in the electrical sense]. Therefore, the earth aspect of this soul will innately sense this incompleteness until such time as its true opposite pole can be reunited with it.

This is being accomplished in many ways during this phase of God’s plan. In some instances through the great love and longing that exists between the soul aspects, one aspect in flesh (usually female) is instrumental — indeed absolutely necessary — to allow the male spirit and awareness to incarnate in flesh [see HomecomingReincarnate versus Incarnate], the Host having been chosen before its physical birth. This does not mean that the Host is a nonentity. Indeed the Host is but a lower vibrational aspect of its own Essence that shall one day manifest within.

Although both could, under certain circumstances and for a limited time only, be present in one human form, this is extremely foreign to your world and would create great distress and despair in the one so embodied. We must work within the laws and conditions of the world in which we deal. Therefore in your world the Soul that is literally One must be divided into two to appear as male and female.

When each has balanced its own outer and inner poles, then your higher natures can manifest through the physical instruments your personas supply. Thus did Jesus the man become the male expression of the Christ nature of the soul while Mary Magdalene embodied the Christ nature’s feminine principle. And the power of the whole or Holy Spirit was expressed in form to one day be recognized.

For pure spirit to occupy flesh is a difficult thing indeed, and unless such is accomplished through gradual awakening and preparation of the Host, it is too great a shock to the soul aspect so entering. That is why the amount of time required. Since inception the human aspect has been enabling its own polarity existing in spirit to draw nearer to the realm of flesh and lessen the shock somewhat.

The physical expression your mate assumes is already prearranged, but it will not matter because when the process is completed such happiness and oneness come forth as to be overwhelming. And the higher the original soul in its development, the greater the love between the manifesting aspects and the deeper the feeling of completeness. This is understandable because the more completely balanced each one is — the more complete the two are when together. As your Emerson states it: "There must be very two before there can be very one."

This will also explain why this great love is not always present between the two who are in truth one. The higher self is not always present/manifesting. This coming and going of Self shall be experienced until such time as the complete awakening is accomplished — and this shall not be until absolutely necessary for you could exist in your world for only a short time as a fully enlightened One. The high, high vibration you would radiate and the intense sensitivity would be difficult indeed for yourselves and others. Therefore, treat with the earth aspects of one another in all gentleness, for the Christ slumbers within, awaiting only the clarion call to arise — to come forth from its tomb of flesh.

This is the marriage made in heaven — holy [whole] matrimony. The reunion of the original soul. Even still slumbering in flesh, as you must of necessity be, you will sometimes glimpse the power and beauty of such a union, and this will more than compensate for the in-between periods when only the human selves are present. For it is love incarnate.

So you see, as foretold, your higher selves shall indeed "walk upon the earth." Logos, the Incarnate Word — cause hidden, effect clearly visible in your world as Two who are One that Are!

*Solar Cross:  A sun symbol.  However, a much more ancient symbol of the divine polarity balance in all creation.  Misused in our world by the white supremacy group known as the Ku Klux Klan and the stylized form that became the Nazi swastika, symbol of their Ayran master race concept.

Copyright © 2009 A Lá Lansün

Posted by: A Lá Lansün AT 11:50 am   |  Permalink   |  Email
Sunday, August 23 2009



Anne Forrest Elmore

Memory’s a simple thing.
It sorts and files away
The commonplace events
That happen every day.
And down the long years winding,
You suddenly recall
A smile, a touch, a small child's prayer
The simplest things of all
The grief you knew, the fear and doubt
Seem somehow laid to rest .
While the precious little moments
Are the ones that linger best.

How foolish we can often be,
Ignoring all today
To yearn for a tomorrow that
We hope is on the way.
The now is all we really have.
It’s all that’s guaranteed.
The now is all we really have
To plant a loving seed.
The now is all we really have
To know, to act, to see.
The now is all we really have
To love, to share, to be.

 Copyright © 2005 Anne Forrest Elmore

Posted by: Anne Forrest Elmore AT 11:47 am   |  Permalink   |  Email

A La Lansun Hello, My name is Anne Elmore A.K.A Solarium Analytika and A La Lansun. If you enjoy these articles you will really love my books. Share this information with your friends by forwarding this site. Thank you to all who have contributed via book purchases or donations, it's what allows me to keep this site updated and interesting. I have many more articles to publish so check back often. Love and Light Dear Brothers and Sisters.
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