Monday, June 15 2009
EXCERPTS - RECEPTION OCTOBER 25. 1963 REGGA HERE: In the time to come great changes will occur among your peoples; unrest will increase in various areas of the world. More and more you will hear of tension and violence, stemming from both man and nature. Nature will not be undone. And the turbulence of the outer air [astral] which you viewed has its effect. It affects both the minds and hearts of man, and has a vastly greater effect on nature. Law Is! As you have been told many times. Many, over and over, in your world have broken these laws. For this we hold no resentment to your peoples, rather great compassion. For we reccognize the vast ignorance that has enslaved your peoples for centuries. And we welcome the coming of the Light to them as to ourselves. See around you the increased dis-eases, the famines, floods, earthquakes. See Though the sorrow and transgressions, the poverty and pain of your world are indeed sorrowful things, they have their purpose. All is according to divine will. It is not needless suffering nor is it suffering without true purpose. But I hear you say: "Sometime it goes too far." Perhaps. But man learns so slowly. We are no different. Eons of time were needed for our hearts and minds to fully open to the Light. And still we are reaching up for more and more Light. And always the higher we reach and the greater the Light we encompass, there is ever more, beckoning us to reach still further. In the days to come -- of which I spoke to your group many moons ago [1955]* -- much shall come to pass that is difficult to understand. I say difficult, but it should not be for you and the others. For behind every event you will see the Hand of God. And having been forwarned of these things, you will rest in the beautiful assurance that it is only the outworking of Law, only the fulfillment for which we have all longed, centuries upon centuries. Indeed, for which we have all labored. So it is for you and all those of us working with you a time of rejoicing. It is therefore good that I may address you now with a message of this content, for it gives me great pleasure to call you to service once more. Before others it is wisdom to walk in humility. This you have learned. The greatest of souls are the humblest. But not where the responsiblity is! Here only a deep inner knowing and acceptance of these words I speak will serve the best purpose. For only in this way will you all be prepared for the many gifts to be heaped upon you. Gifts justly earned and needed for your missions. Therefore, in deepest love and faith prepare for more and more unfoldment and awakening. Keep much to yourself. Advise only those directed to be advised. and only on that which you are specifically asked to reveal. Much of what you will receive will be for your own information only. It will be used -- that is true -- but in a different way. . . .In the awareness of our world, which will come as part of this, many things will unfold. For you shall, as you have been told, be in daily contact with us. Not as servant or child, but as an equal...whose knowledge and experience will add much. Many new faculties must be opened within, and only after the severest testing, as you know, could this be done. We have to be sure. While bearing in all love with the blindness and weakness the flesh creates, we still must be very sure of another's ability to use wisely and unselfishly the powers that will be yours to command. That is why you and several others have received such seemingly severe experiencing. I leave all of you now, again with the admonition to once and for all, put away the humility that keeps you from accepting the full responsibility of your work. ...While retaining true humility of spirit, the wisdom of the serpent, the gentle mien of the dove, rise up and serve as you are intended to. For the time is growing shorter with each moment of each day, and there is still much to experience, much to accomplish. All that preceded was merely preparation and training. You cannot even encompass now the work ahead of you and the others, nor the abilities that shall unfold in beautiful, harmonic patterns within. My blessing ever attend thee. Vasu, Beloved Daughter of Love and Wisdom. Lansun's comment: Masar is their name for the planet we call Mars. Centuries ago they experienced the transition to a higher level of awareness that planet earth is now facing. And they are part of the Galactic Force now helping us make this vibrational transition. Two prophecies in 1955*: '"Weather shall be a sign unto you and a blessing" and "More of your planes shall come to earth" may relate to the outer air turbulence he speaks of in this 1963 message. Copyright (c) A La' Lansun Monday, June 15 2009
If I permit myself to be swallowed up by the error and ignorance already contained in the collective mind, I have multiplied that error and ignorance. No matter which way I turn, I am brought sharply back to individual responsiblity. No matter what chains were put on me by parental ignorance, by society, by any human influence, I and I alone must break my own chains. I cannot break yours; you cannot break mine though we love each other dearly. I am faced with the uncomfortable fact that as long as I continue to ascribe my condition or situation to any other, whether human, god, or devil, I have simply postponed my freedom from that condition or situation. While it is true that some seem faced with almost impossible odds, such odds have their purpose. They are part of individual destiny, predetermind by past actions or present soul needs. When this insight first dawns the responsibility it implies is almost overwhelming, but when finally understood there is peace and a sense of power and balance. For though the lack of any excuse may be bitter at first, there also comes the sure knowledge that I am not a helpless chip on the ocean of mankind's collective mind. I am capable of steering toward a better shore. Whatever past actions or thoughts created the present situation, change is the only permanent thing in life. I can change. By accepting the creative power of my thoughts and acting in a responsible way, I can eliminate the thoughts and actions that created an undesirable way I can now meet the present situation with understanding rather than spin my energy wheels in blame, resentment, or self pity. Once I cease to waste time wallowing in the effect, I can seek cause. And once I determine cause, I can eliminate or change it. If this is done, the effect will alter accordingly. This is the great lesson mankind must learn. Before there is any relief from humanity's many problems, we must cease blaming the effect and seek cause. We have a perfect demonstration in our physical world in that no dis-ease is cured until its cause is acknowledged and the right treatment determined. Copyright (c) 2009 A La Lansun Monday, June 15 2009
MOST COMMON MISTAKES The following examples far and away head the list of the Bad / Badly Badly - This is an adverb that describes how you do something. I play tennis, but rather badly I'm afraid. I or Me Rule No 1: If more people than yourself involved, always put the other person's name(s) fIrst. Mary and I can go together. John and Mary are going with me. Barbara, Tom, and I can go with you. If in doubt as to I or me, say the sentence without the other person's name(s). Ex, Martha and I will go to the store. You would not say Me will go to the store, so you would not say Martha and Me will go to the store -- or even worse: Me and Martha will go to the store. Putting Me first has become a bad habit, perhaps indicating the way a lot of people are thinking. Let's correct this in our language and in our thinking. Lay / Lie Wrong Right SIMILAR SOUND - DIFFERENT MEANING A 1. Abase 2. Abash 1. Abate (vb) 2. Abatement (n) more A's and B - Z SOME MOST MISSPELLED WORDS A more A's and B - Z
THE PERIOD OR FULL STOP [ . ] THE COMMA [ , ] A period is used at the end of a sentence or any expression standing in for a sentence that is neither a question nor exclamatory. Ex: 1. Society is a wave that moves forward, but the water it is composed of does not. 2. Please close the door.A brief pause . . . . etc., etc., etc. Also inluded: Metaphors and Similes, Forms of Address (judge, governor, etc),
Print Date Unknown
Sunday, May 31 2009
May 30 2009 "As soon as one conceives the sexual forms of dream language as symbols for more complicated things, the whole attitude towards the nature of the dream becomes at once more profound." The sexual connotations of dreams were strongly emphasized by Sigmund Freud who took the lid off Pandora's Box by bringing our subliminal desires and motives out in the open. But what if there is more to such dreams than just suppressed desire? Carl Jung, the world-famous Swiss psychologist and one-time student of Freud, believed there was indeed a lot more involved than just our personal and private fantasies. To Jung, Freud's theory was too focused. Jung believed the integration of the total Self was paramount, and in his opinion this involved developing the latent woman within man, which he termed anima, and the latent man within woman, or animus. He also believed that balance, coming to terms with both our inner and outer aspects, must first be achieved individually before a more complete relationship could exist with another. But are we prepared to accept, much less mature, this latent side of ourselves? Centuries of social conditioning have dictated the roles in life prescribed for both men and women. Women were expected to be primarily passive and submissive, which inhibited their chance to develop initiative or express their talents or abiities. They did not have any say at all regarding the laws of the land in which they lived until August 1920 when the the United States Congress ratified the 19th Amendment, giving women the right to vote. Is is interesting that out of the whole country only Wyoming had already granted women this privilege. And so secure were they in this that when they were told they could not allow it if they became a State since no other State did, they turned down Statehood! Obviously, the rule was relaxed and they did become a State, so hats off to their enlightened determination. Men have not escaped restrictions that take a different kind of toll on the personality. They were socially conditioned to be aggressive, to suppress their sensitivity. Empathy, the ability to relate emotionally to another, does not make ruthless soldiers. And this long-term role of warrior has played its part in inhibiting and suppressing the emotional and intuitive side of man. During my research there were many dreams submitted that might have been casually dismissed as a product of sexual repression or conflict. Yet when these dreams were studied in depth, they revealed insights and a definite purpose that had nothing at all to do with human sexuality. Both men and women can receive messages from their latent side. Such dreams are direct and informative, and should be understood because in essence you are being told to pay attention to this inner self. The basic message is balance. Woman often develop their anima strength through the circumstances in their lives. Yet they recognize that in situations involving a show of initiative or affirmative action, sex discrimination still exists in our society today. So they may suppress, or even deny these latent abilities instead of incorporating them in an expression that blends the two. Men involved in highly right-brain creative work may forget their nature's dominant left-brain side and suppress their logical, analytical side. Or the opposite. Men can allow the left brain to be totally dominant and dismiss their intuitive, feeling side as "unimportant and illogical." These men received dreams of being "wooed" by their anima, seeking acceptance and incorporation of their inner nature. What we are being told is that we are both; a primary or outer expression and a secondary or inner expression, and the true Self consists of both. The corpus callosum between the two sides of the brain is the connecting link that when well developed allows us to make full use of our whole Self's abilities. In my book* Chapter Six, Sex Symbolism presents actual examples of this inner communication in dreams and the lessons involved. It is truly a new age. The limiting prejudices and restricted roles of the past must give way for the new person who is capable of expressing his or her balanced whole Self. __________________ Copyright (c) 2009 A La' Lansun Sunday, May 31 2009
When the term "teenager" became the basic description of human beings between the ages of thirteen and nineteen, it was just another example of our propensity to divide rather than unite. The term ushered in a limbo group --- not children, not adults. Denied certain rights on one hand; permitted certain privileges on the other. Considered sub adults by society, limited punishment for major crimes is one privilege still in existence, but for how long? More and more pressure is being exerted to try minors who commit worst crimes as adults. And when their hoped-for sense of responsibility has not been encouraged or developed, the crime rate among this group speaks for itself. After our two-hundred-plus years of history, parents today face problems not even considered back then. Here and there a bad apple might show up, but the majority of young people were too busy with chores to dream up mischief. Country living demanded hard work by every family member. City dwellers may have had it a bit easier, but the rules were strict. Young men, especially, were expected to pull their own financial weight early. So why have we somehow assumed that this part of humanity does not need to contribute if we are all to survive on this revolving ball in space? I do not mean labor. For a teenager I am speaking of the desire to educate yourself to the highest degree you can obtain and learning to assume responsibility for your own actions. As for parents, I am speaking of wise authority, which can be abdicated through ignorance, indifference, or financial pressure that requires the combined income of both parents tp survive and limits parental time. As caring parents of course we desire to make it a bit easier for our children if we can. But what is "easier" if they are passed ahead in school when they have not learned the required lesson? And passed ahead in life the same way? In its truest form discipline is not punishment. It should be a guideline toward effective self-government. People who learn early in life to accept responsibility for their actions are ahead of the game. They make better decisions, carry out plans, and are more discerning about human errors, including their own. Using good judgment requires emotional control and foresight. I remember my friend's grandmother who lived in the big house on the corner. There was a big yard to care for and the young men who performed this task did an excellent job because she paid by the job they did. A dollar job was paid accordingly; so was a five-dollar job. For some of these kids it may have been their initiation; their discovery of the feeling of pride and satisfaction that comes with doing something well. Or take the special day when young girls graduated from bobbie socks to their first pair of sheer stockings. Or the pride young boys felt wearing their first long pair of pants; that first manly tie was a thrill! Or the first time you rode in the front seat with your Mom or your Dad on a family outing. Such rites of passage served a good purpose. They gave young people something to be attained, a sense of arrival. They marked important milestones; incentives we don't supply anymore. Anticipation has been stolen from today's young people. Out of date? Not as many teens as you might think laugh at this simplicity. They sometimes express a sincere desire to go back to some older ways because of the built-in security they provided. The limits allowed or demanded were a safety net they could rely on when their own judgment was still nebulous. Adults created the term teenager. We have also created some of the problems. We need to give back to these young people a sense of dignity and purpose. Why not take the first step and eliminate the term teenager? Thus reducing separation. Why not address them as they are --- young people who have no excuse for irresponsible behavior just because they are experiencing a stage of growth everybody goes through? Fortunately, we did correct one injustice. Eighteen- to twenty-year olds once had no voice in electing the Commander in Chief or the Congress that could ask them to possibly make the supreme sacrifice. But many people still commercially exploit the self-absorption traits teens often exhibit. The tremendous energy of this age group is a potent factor for good as well as for harm. This is the generation that will sit in Congress, sit in the Halls of Justice and in the seats of Power and Commerce. Rites of Passage have long been recognized in many lands and among many cultures as a means of implanting responsibility and self-control in young people through a period of denial that is openly rewarded by an important advancement of some kind when this period ends. And when we ignore such ancient wisdom, we pay a price. * * * Addendum: July 23, 2009: The teens highlighted on a recent Dr. Phil show who were considering "21 shots" of liquor" as a Rite of Passage on their 21st birthday to celebrate reaching legal age only proved they are still emotional babies who do not yet comprehend consequences.
Sunday, May 31 2009
Modern civilization has made woman a little wiser, but . . . He was shiny clean, even dressed in cutoff shorts and an old T-shirt. An old bicycle held a worn bag of tools. The red setter with him wagged a friendly greeting, unimpressed by my dog's bold challenge from behind the safety of the screen door. The challenge is good! We need to balance our emotional nature with mental clarity and a degree of detachment and discernment. We need to be assertive when principles are at stake. There's a lot of down-home wisdom in the saying "The hand that rocks the cradle rules the world." But what are we doing to help the growing number of women who struggle alone to make ends meet? What are we doing to change an economic system that demands two salaries to have a home and ignores the result -- children, guardians of our future, often left to the care of others who may not be qualified for this important job? _____________________ Copyright (c) 2007 by Anne Forrest Elmore Solarium Analytika Sunday, May 31 2009
THE INVADER!!! by Pookie jumped straight up in the air! There it was again! It was soft and fluffy It was also the nosiest bit of stuff he had ever met! Every time he tried to lie down for his usual nap, there it was . . .tickling his toes, pouncing on him from around corners. It even had the nerve to curl right up beside him, just as sweet as you please. Frankly, he was jealous. He had been king for so long. And now to have to share the attention of HIS family with, of all things, a CAT! Granted it was a mighty little cat, and a mighty cute one, too. But POOKIE's feelings were ruffled by this unexpected addition to the family. He told himself it was not that he wasn't big enough to share his family with another. It was. . . well, it was a nuisance! It took over his favorite spot by the heat vent. It pushed its way into his dinner plate and helped itself. And every time he wagged his tail, little paws pounced on it! He was getting afraid to wag it. Then how could a little dog talk? To boot, he had to endure the final insult. This bit of fluff was always waiting when he came in from his daily stroll. So he had to close his eyes real tight and pretend to like it while a little sandpaper tongue washed all the rain or snow off his face. Nobody said what a good dog he was to allow such an invasion of his privacy. All they did was ooh and aah over the "cute" little kitten. It was enough to make a small sausage-type dog run away from home! As if this wasn't enough to try even the most patient's pup's heart, last night this invader climbed merrily up on Linda's bed and settled down in HIS usual place in "purrful" content. THAT DID IT! That REALLY did it! He spent a gloomy, restless night in the big chair in the living room. The coziness of the chair did little to comfort his little dog heart. The next morning the first time the front door opened, out he scooted. Maybe he could find some peace from a small nose poking him and kitten-size paws grabbing his tail. He had to think about this. He really had a situation here. Something had to be done. He thought about running away. He pictured the worried looks on the faces of the family when he did not answer their calls for supper. He could see Linda peeking in all of his favorite spots, getting more and more anxious . . .maybe even crying a little. But this would leave the field wide open to the bit of fluff! No. Something else would have to be done . . .and soon! Happily, he saw Wise Old Dog meandering down the street toward him. Now experience had taught POOKIE that Wise Old Dog always seemed to have a solution for every problem. So he greeted his friend affectionately and got right to the point of his problem. Wise Old Dog listened with that patient, thoughtful way he has. He was quiet for a moment. His silence made POOKIE a little afraid that maybe he had run across a problem even Wise Old Dog could not solve. Then Wise Old Dog looked him squarely in the eye and said: "Do you think that your family does not love you anymore?" POOKIE thought about that for a minute. He admitted that, yes, the thought had crossed his mind. They certainly seemed to pay more attention to the newcomer than to him. Wise Old Dog looked hard at him; then surprised POOKIE. "Have they asked you to leave? Or talked about giving you away? POOKIE's heart almost stopped at this horrible thought! But he had to admit, honestly, that no such awful things had ever been suggested. Again Wise Old Dog kind of shook him up. "Then what are you so steamed up about?" POOKIE looked at him blankly. Hadn't he heard a word he'd said about the worrisome things this invader was doing? Especially about sleeping in HIS place on Linda's bed! Wise Old Dog sensed his young friend's confusion, and added: "I mean, Pookie, you live in a big house where there is much love. Surely such a little kitten can't take up all of it. Isn't there room and love enough for both of you? Could you see this little kitten as a friend? As somebody to keep you company when all the family is out? A cozy, warm buddy on a cold night to sleep close to?" Wise Old Dog looked at POOKIE a lttle sternly. "Maybe your family has not made much fuss over you because you are not being very nice about this. Maybe you show your jealousy and act cross about it. You know ATTITUDE toward something often sets the course it takes --- and the response it brings from others. Whether it becomes a nice thing and helps you. Or whether it becomes something that makes you not very nice to be around." Wise Old Dog continued. "Do you remember when you were very young and left your mother? You were lonesome at first, weren't you? And you missed your brothers and sister, didn't you?" POOKIE nodded. "The little kitten is lonesome, too, Pookie, and maybe she crept close to you because she feels sort of lost inside. She's still too young to take care of herself completely. She still needs help in many ways. So the extra care the family gives her is not to be mean to you, it's because she needs it. Just as you did when you first came there as a little puppy. They know you are strong and can take care of yourself. So they do what needs doing for the littlest member of the family." Wise Old Dog smiled at him. "You could be a big help, you know." POOKIE looked at his friend. He knew Wise Old Dog had a special way of seeing right inside a problem, but at first he resented Wise Old Dog's Words. Still, he tried to be 'big' about it. "What do you mean, Sir? What can I do to help?" His friend looked at him a minute before answering. He knew something of the struggle going on in Pookies heart, so he answered very gently. "Why you might try going outside with the kitten and making sure no big dogs or cats harm her. You know, Pookie, you are very brave." POOKIE suddenly FELT very brave. Wise Old Dog nodded to his young friend. "She needs a protector right now. Most dogs don't stop to think of something as young and helpless. They just smell CAT! --- and away they go! Some of them would hurt her, too, if they caught her. She is used to you. You are her friend, so she is not aware that other dogs may not be friendly. She needs you, Pookie." The thought of being needed, even by a silly bit of fluff, made POOKIE feel important. As usual, Wise Old Dog had the answer. POOKIE thanked him for his help. Wise Old Dog wagged a smile and went on down the street toward his house. POOKIE sat on the front porch for a long time, thinking about the things Wise Old Dog had said. He knew in his heart that Wise Old Dog was right. The kitten could be hurt by the big dogs in the neighborhood. There was that grumpy boxer next door who could really be mean. Towser chased cats, squirrels . . .anything he could make run scared. POOKIE remembered his first meeting with Towser and how his own heart had thudded at the size of the big dog. POOKIE had stood his ground, and now the two were friends. If he set himself up as the kitten's protector, he felt sure Towser would honor this and leave the kitten alone, no matter how tempting she might look bouncing around. So he made his decision. He would do as Wise Old Dog said. He would change his ATTITUDE. He would make a friend of the kitten instead of seeing her as an invader, something to resent. With this, he WOOFED his signal to be let back in the house. And do you know, POOKIE did just as he decided to do. He helped the little kitten in so many ways. He guarded her when she was outside. He let her curl up close to him at night, and found he actually enjoyed her soft little body close to him. The purring noise was nice to listen to as he drifted off to sleep. He even got used to the rough little tongue washing. And you know what? Something wonderful happened. When the family saw his protective and loving ATTITUDE toward "Cuddles," as Linda named her, they oohed and aahed over him. They held him especially close and told him so many times: "What a smart little dog you are. What a good little dog you are." So you see, Wise Old Dog was right. By changing his ATTITUDE, POOKIE changed the whole situation into one that made everybody happy . . .especially POOKIE!
The End Copyright (c)) 2008 by Anne Forrest Elmore
Sunday, May 31 2009
THE GUARDIANS Truth may be stranger than fiction, but fiction often echoes truth.
Friday, May 22 2009
Letters From Angelic Realms In all of your information getting, get Love. It is the highest attainment in the universe. It is the Golden Path to heaven. We have stated this before, and will state it again and again. The information carried on the beams of light being transferred into the thoughts of men and women on your planet is transferred when called for. You have heard the term "highest calling," which carries the same meaning as "ask and you shall receive." So Call God! Call the Angels! You make phone calls daily on earth. Why not make your highest calling to the spiritual realms? When your creative center, the core of your being, is trying to "harmless be," you are based in Love and connected to Spirit. Remove hate from your life. Become neutral in your thoughts, without ego judgments or opinions. Both are obstacles that literally keep you from being a centered being. They create static in your connection to Spirit. As long as obstacles block clear communication you limit your ability to connect with your highest calling. Blessings will also be limited because of their inability to navigate freely to you. The power that creates blessings travels through the beams of light unfettered when the channel is clear. Love, dear ones, is neutrality. Love is acceptance, and acceptance contains no judgment of another. If all peoples on earth were nurturing, heaven would be in place on earth. Instead, what has been created on earth is a mix of heaven and hell. And make no mistake about this next statement: Hell is not of God's making! Hell is a very low vibration created by man. When mankind turned its back on God Principles, its creation became lacking in love. Love is the dividing line, if you will, between heaven and hell. Love can only exist in the higher vibrations known as heaven. Without love, life is truly hell, for God's grace is not available in hell. Mankind has only two choices -- Heaven or Hell; positive or negative. And we use the terms positive and negative not in the electrical sense but in the known sense on your planet as they relate to good and evil. Reverse the word 'live' and you create 'evil;. Father-Mother God's (Pair Essence) gift to their children is free will. You can choose to create positive changes in your life and your planet, or you can choose to create negative changes for yourself and planet earth. If you choose to destroy the planet, you destroy yourselves along with it. All life is cyclical. How else would you learn the lesson of Cause and Effect? What do you want to experience, over and over again? If you choose the lower vibratory path you will experience the effects of that which you caused. You will be your own 'devil' [lived backward]! You are seeing the consequences today of rigid hate --- War. In world catastrophes such as poverty and plagues In increasing earthquakes, famines, violent storms, and killing droughts. Nature responds to mankind's vibrations. But the lack of Love will be the saddest consequence of all. Awakening collective minds of earth are now seeing the harm perpetrated by those who refuse to become harmless, and these awakening ones will no longer tolerate such harm-filled thoughts. Those who will not change their harmful ways will be isolated. Not in the manner you currently employ on earth to house your criminals, but rather they will be "loved" into another reality. They will be rehabilitated by understanding individuals assigned to their care and instruction. Become allies with Love and Light. To form an alliance with the matter of earth is to cut yourself off from the source of life. To condemn yourself to repeated lifetimes of birth and death until you respond to your call home from beloved Mother-Father God. You are creators, born in the divine image. Choose now what you will create. Choose wisely, dear ones, for the sake of the universe. Peace be with you. Adonai Vasu ---Xanthu. * * * Copyright (c) 2007 Solarium Analytika Thursday, May 21 2009
Update to a Reception on February 12, 1958 An individual's true being is capable of being conditioned before experiencing incarnate physical life. This conditioning is similar to what your people call a post-hypnotic suggestion that can be activated by certain key events or sound vibration. To illustrate: An individual is incarnate on your planet and the awareness of its Being contains knowledge acquired through many lifetimes. However, by the use of certain conditioning this information is partitioned off from this one's conscious awareness. This "veiling," and the reason for it, is understood by the individual before becoming incarnate. Such conditioning is not imposed by others. I am speaking now of one of our people (MAN) who is functioning in a "hu-man" body on earth. MAN does not enter a human body through the birth process. It is only his awareness and spirit that become incarnate in an earthly human body. MAN does not re-incarnate on earth. Were he to do so he would undergo a unique change and be of the race of Men. Thus, in order to remain MAN only spirit and awareness become resident in a human body. He is then MAN incarnate. You must realize the difference between the process of birth (reincarnate) and Exchange (incarnate) In order for this person to be effective on your planet, total recall of awareness remains veiled until it is required. Then, depending on the type of predetermined trigger, MAN's awareness gradually returns. The timing is determined by the nature of events and their relationship to MAN's mission. MAN must always volunteer for such missions. Few among you appreciate MAN's self-imposed handicap, that of trying to perform a mission with veiled awareness in a difficult environment. In addition, there is the trauma, both mental and emotional, of being exposed to the lower vibration and negative thinking of humankind. Many hardships are experienced because of this, which takes time to undo after the "human ordeal" is ended. A clearing process is necessary. But, regardless of the difficulty, many of our people (MAN) --- both Male and Female polarities --- volunteer to come to your planet to be of service to humankind. It is a work of love and a mission of importance. Often groups or teams of our people are needed for a particular mission since some tasks require the efforts of many. When these incarnate ones meet it is not uncommon for them to sense and become aware of their real relationship with one another. They sense the Light of MAN in each other. Remember, each member of the group is veiled to some extent as an individual. When a sense of oneness develops, this is the Light within recognizing itself in another. Sometimes it is sensed as an enveloping warmth of unity and harmony. Or it can be an emotional feeling of love and companionship. It can also be the desire to be with another. If this perception produces physical awareness it should not be shunned because it is the Light within each person seeking to express itself. One's own awareness and discernment can always detect love's radiation and sense the difference from that of simple physical desire. All Light and Love, however and wherever manifest, is seeking to coalesce and become one. When you recognize the love and light in another it is because your higher awareness acknowledges its source --- Radiance. This may explain the unique relationships present among your groups. Addendum: December 13, 2007 A La' Lansun We have been told that the Solar Cross operates on three levels of being or awareness. Thus the hu-man personality, being the lowest vibratory level, is capable of experiencing the birth process to provide a vehicle that can operate on earth. The higher aspect oversees this lower aspect and experiences through it as a sort of guardian angel. The lower personality or ego must acknowledge its higher self and clear all agreed upon karmic debris and negative thoughts and actions as part of the contract to clear the way for the higher vibration to take over. In a dream my human self was a horse my higher self was riding as it climbed up a steep mountain. Near the top the horse seemed to run out of steam. The higher self then leaped over the horse's head to the top of the mountain, reached down and took hold of the horse's bridle and pulled the horse (persona) to the top of the hill. Page 153 in What Are Your Dreams Telling You? (Bookstore) mentions this partnership aspect of the Horse symbol. Copyright (c) 2007 A La'Lansun