Saturday, December 10 2011
THE CHRISTMAS MESSAGE With your permission we would like to tell you a story. It is a story of the Christmas Spirit you love to celebrate. It is the story of the rebirth of man, back to the Kingdom of God from whence he came. And when we say “man,” we mean the Masculine and Feminine Principles. For mankind could not be comprised if It were not for both Principles acting in their full capacity. It is our hope that men and women everywhere will be conjoined on all levels – physical, mental, and spiritual. The beautiful season of Christmas is about the birth of the Christ Principle. It seems peculiar to us that mankind has stopped on the level of thinking that he is only celebrating the birth of a “baby” Jesus. If only mankind would understand that the true meaning of Christmas was always meant to be symbolic of the birth of the Christ within each child of God. It is hard for us to understand how mankind can justify excluding this very poignant message that He came forth on your planet to give. Yet there are those Your Bible, even in its redundancy, contains much truth. It is stated may times that we are all children of God; that we are all God’s issue. We were created in the image of God. Jesus the Christ also stated many times that the miracles he was capable of performing were also available to anyone who is able to tune into the God vibration energy of Unconditional Love.
There wlll be many avatars coming to your earth in the future ― in the near future. The people of earth must be reminded of their birthright. They must know that godhood is available to them if they tap back into the Source from which they disconnected. They must know that the Pair Essence [Father-Mother God] created them in unconditional love. So celebrate your rebirth with great Joy. Adonai Vasu, Dear Ones.