Sunday, March 22 2009
THREE PHASES OF LOVE -PHASE ONE The human element is front and center in this phase. Relationships are what this phase is all about, which is why it is difficult. The adult entering this evolutionary phase starts with a polarity as the most obvious object of love. By this means the love nature expands to include any progeny that may result from this union. Mother love, long heralded in song and poem, has recently awarded attention to father love. Both roles bring forth the abiity to love another more than yourself. This abiity may be touched on by a mating relationship that is deep and often against great odds, but the mere fact of mating does not guarantee this step into unselfish love. True parenting does. Often disappointment and emotional pain accompany any attempt to unite with another in an intimate relationship. Not only does each party arrive at the time of union with baggage from the past, but the differences of the male-female basic temperaments create problems. Originally designed as One, to be a whole expression of Love, mankind on your world became a divided species. The division goes even further in that each pole is also divided within itself and carries latent qualities of its opposite. Centuries of rigid opinions of what was acceptable in place and behavior for man and woman have greatly hindered development of each pole's inner qualities to produce a balanced individual, the prime requisite for true union.* That this is changing is obvious. This step of the evolutionary process has always existed, but because of your world's obsession with a physical sexual expression homosexuality has increased in the last few decades. This phase does not have to express in this way. Often the inner qualities are called forth by spirit to handle a life situation, to complete a life lesson or purpose, or contribute a service to mankind. For example: The man or woman required by circumstances to be not only sole breadwinner but also a single parent. The qualities needed for each role are different, yet each pole already possesses them within to fulfill the need and still retain their primary nature and expression. This experience contributes balance, increases insight, and adds new abilities to the principal or outer nature. If understood and accepted as spirit intends, both man's and woman's emotional natures deepen and enrich. Thus their ability to relate to each other deepens and enriches, as it was intended to be for the One that Are. Evolution is demanding that this race of man-woman achieve balance -- first within, and then with each other. Obey your guiding star, the only fixed star in your firmament for this epoch of mankind's evolution. Polaris -- requisite for a new beginning. Adonai Vasu * See Polarity - The Great Law. |