Thursday, March 19 2009
Why is alcohol intake among women increasing? Heart attacks? Frustration is one of the most destructive emotions with its roots in fear and its blossom in lack of self-esteem. Whether man or woman, we exist primarily in our thoughts. We express what we think we are. And what we think we are gets an early start in life, compiled mostly from other people's opinions. Few men know who they really are, even fewer women. Recognizing our higher self is not a bingo prize. Expressing it is even harder. Or rather, allowing it to express by taming the ego. It can only happen when we will no longer play the ego roles of passive victims or parasitic takers. You think it is not possible to change a situation by changing your mind? Not possible to make good changes by simply changing your attitude? Some of the greatest works of literature and art, of scientific discoveries, were produced under restrictive and difficult human conditions. How did greatness come out of such negative situations? Because the mind behind the creations was not limited. The individual refused to accept the limitations imposed by either circumstances or outer opinions. There is a power within the man or woman who knows Self. One who has faced and discarded prejudicial opinions that mold much of our thinking about ourselves. When you meet someone who has walked this inner path and won, you sense it immediately, even if you do not understand. It has nothing to do with material wealth or power over others. If self-esteem requires these props to exist, it is an illusion that can easily be destroyed. And the courage to obey its direction. Copyright (c) 2009 Anne Forrest Elmore |